

今天小U为大家介绍一位Urban Art United 城市艺术联盟的合作艺术家,葡萄牙知名视觉艺术家Vhils。

于巴西里约热内卢的一副作品前的Vhils摄影: João Pedro Moreira.




Vhils 真名为 Alexandre Farto,是葡萄牙知名视觉艺术家,以原创墙壁雕凿技巧成为街头艺术家,作品遍布全世界30+个国家;擅长凿刻、剪除、鑽开、刻蚀、火药技法,用多元媒材制作“具创意的破坏”视觉艺术,曾为里约热内卢贫民区社区、EDP基金会(里斯本), 蓬皮杜中心(巴黎), 巴比肯艺术博物馆(伦敦), 中央美术学院艺术博物馆(北京), 和圣地亚哥当代艺术博物馆(圣地亚哥)合作艺术家。

Portuguese artist Alexandre Farto aka Vhils (b. 1987) has become renowned for developing a unique visual language based on the removal of the surface layers of walls and other media with non-conventional tools and techniques, establishing symbolic reflections on identity, the relationship of interdependence between people and the surrounding environment, and life in contemporary urban societies, as well as the impact of the passage of time, material transformation and development. Since 2005, he has presented his work in over 30 countries around the world in solo and group exhibitions, site-specific art interventions, artistic events and projects in various contexts – from working with communities in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, to collaborations with reputed art institutions such as the EDP Foundation (Lisbon), Centre Pompidou (Paris), Barbican Centre (London), CAFA Art Museum (Beijing), or the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego (San Diego), among others.


某天你闲逛在街上,无意间看到了一面斑驳墙壁上刻着一副陌生的面孔,遥远地被一双深邃的眼睛凝视,你一定会好奇其中的故事,而Vhils正式是这个故事讲述者。来自葡萄牙的视觉艺术家Vhils,最初以涂鸦艺术家身份,在家乡塞沙尔 (位于葡萄牙首都里斯本附近) 展开他的艺术生涯。经过几年徒手涂鸦后,他凭借原创墙壁雕凿技巧,成为最具个人风格的街头艺术家之一。


这项计画Scratching the Surface这项已制作超过220幅作品,遍布全球多达80个国家及地区。

His groundbreaking bas-relief carving technique – which forms the basis of the Scratching the Surface project and was first presented to the public at the VSP group exhibition in Lisbon in 2007 and at the Cans Festival in London the following year –, has been hailed as one of the most compelling approaches to art created in the streets in the last decade.

Hong Kong, 2016

Dubai, UAE, 2016

Lisboa, Portugal, 2014


Vhils与特定社区有连续的创作,例如在上海或里约热内卢等城市,有关强制搬迁、中产阶级化和社会分化的议题,这些Scratching the Surface 系列即便带着淡淡忧伤的人像雕刻却为城市带来生气,为公共空间添置一份


This striking form of visual poetry, showcased around the world in both indoor and outdoor settings, has been described as brutal and complex, yet imbued with a simplicity that speaks to the core of human emotions. An ongoing reflection on identity, on life in contemporary urban societies and their saturated environments, it explores themes such as the struggle between the aspirations of the individual and the demands of everyday life, or the erosion of cultural uniqueness in the face of the dominant model of globalised development and the increasingly uniform reality it has been imposing around the world. It speaks of effacement but also of resistance, of destruction yet also of beauty in this overwhelming setting, exploring the connections and contrasts, similarities and differences, between global and local realities. (Credit from official website, Text: Miguel Moore)

Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2014

Los Angeles, USA, 2010 (collaboration with JR) 33

Lisbon, Portugal, 2014






未来城市艺术联盟Urban Art United (UAU) 将携手Vhils等国际知名艺术家一起为城市带来艺术与温暖继续用艺术与创意装点城市风貌!

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