看美劇學英語《了不起的麥瑟爾夫人》S01E08 271-275

271.Well, I just want to tell you that Joe and I might be getting back together. 我就是想告訴你,喬伊和我可能會複合。

✨get back together with sb: to start a relationship with sb again, especially a romantic relationship, after having finished a previous relationship with the same person 重歸於好,重修舊好

I just got back together with my ex-girlfriend.



break upsplit upgrow apart

272.After what you put your mother and me through, you have the nerve to come in here and tell me you're getting back together? 在你讓我和你媽媽經歷了這一切之後,你膽敢來這兒告訴我你們要複合?

✨put sb through sth: to make sb experience sth very difficult or unpleasant 使經受(折磨);折磨

You have put your through a lot recently.


273.She took my study. 她佔了我書房。

✨take: to get control of; to use 佔用;控制

Are these seats taken?


274.You have laid waste to everyone and everything around you. 你糟蹋了周圍所有人和所有事。

✨lay waste to sth: to destroy sth; to ruin sth 破壞;糟蹋




275.I didn't mean to upset your lives. 我不是故意要讓你們過得不開心的。

✨mean to do sth: to have sth as a purpose or intention 打算;有……目的

He means trouble.


I'm sorry I hurt you. I didn't mean to.
