


一. 寫出這些單詞的漢語意義。

1. danger __________ 2. dark ___________ 3. decision ___________

4. discover ___________ 5. door ___________ 6. dress _____________

7. drop _____________

二. 按要求寫出下列詞彙的變化形式。

1. danger____________(形容詞)

2. dark________(比較級)

3. decision __________(動詞)

4. discover ________(現在分詞)

5. door _________(複數形式)

6. dress _______(第三人稱單數形式)

7. drop_______(現在分詞)________(過去式)

三. 根據句意,用所給詞彙的正確形式填空。

1. There is much _______ (dangerous) in space.

2. A cat can see in the ________(dark).

3. She knew she’d made the right _________(decide).

4. We have ___________(discover) that he’s quite careless in his work.

5. Please close the ________(door) when you leave the room.

6. The kid can __________(dress) himself.

7. He __________(drop) his wallet in the train.

四. 根據短文意思及首字母(或漢語意義),寫出合乎句意的單詞。

It’s ____1____(危險的)when you walk in the _____2___(黑暗) by yourself. So when you make a ____3___(決定) to get out of your _____4___(門) alone, you must take some useful things, such as torch(手電筒), an umbrella or ____5___(穿衣) yourself in a raincoat. When you take the things , you can ____6___(發現) that all these things are very useful . A torch can give you light , a hat can keep out something that may____7___(落下) on your head and an raincoat or an umbrella can help you not to get wet in rain.


一. 1. 危險; 2. 黃昏;黑暗; 3. 決定;決心;4. 發現;發覺;5. 門;6. 穿衣;7. 落下;掉下;使落下

二. 1. dangerous; 2. darker; 3. decide; 4. discovering; 5. doors; 6. dresses; 7. dropping; dropped

三. 1. danger; 2. dark; 3. decision; 4. discovered; 5. door; 6. dress; 7. dropped

四. 1. dangerous; 2. dark; 3. decision; 4. door; 5. dress; 6. discover; 7. drop
