看美劇學口語:Okay, it takes two people. 一個巴掌拍不響。

Gabrielle: "So you're just not gonna talk to me, is that it? Fine. I don't need to talk. Okay. Yes, I had a little affair. It wasn't the best thing to do, and I'm not proud of it. But it's not the worst thing that could have happened. Nobody died. Oh, don't be such a martyr, Carlos. Okay, it takes two people. How many times did you go off on your little business trips and leave me alone? See, so technically, you cheated, too. It's just your mistress was your work."


Gabrielle: "No, okay. That was a stretch. I'm sorry. Carlos, wait! Come back. Look, I wanna start- over. We're gonna have a baby. Isn't that what you always wanted? Carlos, wait! I said I was sorry and I love you! What more do you want?"



Carlos: "I want a paternity test."


martyr ['mɑrtɚ] n. 烈士;殉道者;(因病等)長期受痛苦的人 It takes two people. 一個巴掌拍不響 . It takes to make a quarrel. It takes two to tango.That was a stretch. stretch n. 伸展;張開;彈性;一段時間 That was a stretch. 字面是:這延展太多了。譯意:這有點瞎扯了/扯的有點遠了/太牽強了。

Gabrielle: "So you're just not gonna talk to me, is that it? Fine. I don't need to talk. Okay. Yes, I had a little affair. It wasn't the best thing to do, and I'm not proud of it. But it's not the worst thing that could have happened. Nobody died. Oh, don't be such a martyr, Carlos. Okay, it takes two people. How many times did you go off on your little business trips and leave me alone? See, so technically, you cheated, too. It's just your mistress was your work."

(Carlos stands up from the table and starts to walk away.)

Gabrielle: "No, okay. That was a stretch. I'm sorry. Carlos, wait! Come back. Look, I wanna start over. We're gonna have a baby. Isn't that what you always wanted? Carlos, wait! I said I was sorry and I love you! What more do you want?"

Carlos: "I want a paternity test.

<code>加布麗爾:你還是不理我嗎?好吧,我反正也沒什麼好說的。行了,我是有點小外遇,這事不光彩,我也沒有一次為榮。幸好這還不算太糟。沒人因此而死,別擺出一副殉道者的樣子,卡洛斯。一個巴掌拍不響。多少次你為了出差,把我一個人丟在家裡,所以理論上說,你也對我不忠。只不過你的情婦是工作而已。不,好了,那太牽強了,抱歉。 加布麗爾:不,好了,那太牽強了,抱歉。卡洛斯,等等回來,我想重新來過。我們就要有孩子了,這不是你一直夢寐以求的嗎?卡羅斯,等等,我向你道歉了,我也說了我愛你的。你還想要什麼? 拉羅斯:親子鑑定。/<code>