
第一部分 聽力(共兩節,滿分30分)

第一節 (共5小題;每小題1.5分,滿分7.5分)

聽下面5段對話。每段對話後有一個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C 三個選項中選出最佳選項。聽完每段對話後,你都有10秒鐘的時間來回答有關小題和閱讀下一小題。每段對話僅讀一遍。

1.When did the party begin in fact?

A.At 6:30 p.m. B.At 7:00 p.m. C.At 7:30 p.m.

2.Where did the woman go during her visit to Europe?

A.France. B.Finland. C.Iceland.

3.Why did the man apologize to the woman?

A.He forgot to bring the woman’s book.

B.He lost the book the woman lent him.

C.He couldn’t lend the book to the woman.

4.What will the man do on Sunday morning?

A.Take his son to the park.

B.Stay with his parents at home.

C.Do shopping with his wife.

5.What is the woman?

A.She is a librarian.

B.She is a bank clerk.

C.She is a college teacher.

第二節 (共15小題;每小題1.5分,滿分22.5分)

聽下面5段對話或獨白。每段對話或獨白後有幾個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C 三個選項中選出最佳選項。聽每段對話或獨白前,你將有時間閱讀各個小題,每小題5秒鐘;聽完後,各小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時間。每段對話或獨白讀兩遍。


6.What sport did Joe take part in?

A.The relay race.

B.The high jump.

C.The long jump.

7.Who won the men’s 100­meter race?

A.John. B.Peter. C.Bob.


8.Which month is it now?




9.What will the man do in July?

A.Conduct a research project.

B.Attend a conference.

C.Type his paper up.


10.What did the woman forget to do this morning?

A.To turn off her radio.

B.To talk with her neighbor.

C.To give her dad a message.

11.When does the woman wake up every morning?

A.At four.

B.At four thirty.

C.At five.

12.Why does the woman feel tired?

A.She can’t sleep well because of the noise.

B.Her father is always angry with her.

C.She is very busy with her work.


13.What has Alice decided to learn?




14.Who is the woman?

A.She’s Alice’s teacher.

B.She’s Alice’s friend.

C.She’s Alice’s sister.

15.What is said about an artist’s income?

A.About sixty percent of the average person’s.

B.Six times more than the average person’s.

C.Sixty percent more than the average person’s.

16.What will the speakers do next?

A.They will go out for supper.

B.They will have a talk with Alice.

C.They will give Alice some money.


17.Where did the story probably happen?

A.In a clothing shop.

B.At a bus station.

C.In a restaurant.

18.How did the young couple feel when the old lady came to them?




19.What did the young couple do when the old lady left?

A.They waved her goodbye.

B.They called a taxi for her.

C.They took a photo with her.

20.What can we know from the story?

A.The old lady was kind and polite.

B.The couple was glad to do a good deed.

C.The manager thought they were a family.

第二部分 閱讀理解(共兩節,滿分40分)

第一節 (共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分)



The Visitor Oyster card

A Visitor Oyster card is the cheapest way to pay for a single adult journey in London.It’s a plastic smartcard.You can use it on the bus,tube,tram,DLR,London Overground and most National Rail services.It’s much cheaper than buying individual tickets,in some cases costing 50% less than the price of a regular paper ticket.

How to get a Visitor Oyster card?

You can buy a Visitor Oyster card online.Your card will be delivered by post.The card costs £5 and you choose how much money you want to add to the card.This means you can start using the card the moment you arrive in Central London.

How does the Visitor Oyster card work?

The Oyster card works on a pay­as­you­go system.You start by adding money to the card.Then you travel,the cost of the fare will automatically be deducted from your Visitor Oyster card.For example,if you add £20 to the card and make a tube journey of £2.30,you will have £17.70 left on the card.

A few more points:

·A child under the age of 11 travels free when accompanied by an adult.

·You’ll save more money if you use the tube several times.The Visitor Oyster card is “capped (給……定上限)” at £6.80 per day.

·You’ll pay more during peak times.Peak fares apply from Monday to Friday (6:30am—9:30 am;4:00 pm —7:00 pm),except for public holidays.

·Reuse the Oyster card by adding credit at a tube station,Oyster ticket shop or Visitor Centre.

·Receive a discount on the Thames Clippers River Bus services.

21.What can we learn about the Visitor Oyster card?

A.You can’t use it during public holidays.

B.You can have it mailed directly to your home.

C.You can get a free Oyster card if you order online.

D.You can receive a 50% discount at any shop in London.

22.How much money will be deducted if you take the tube four times in a day with a Visitor Oyster card?

A.£2.30. B.£3.40.

C.£6.80. D.£9.20.

23.Where can you add credit to your Visitor Oyster card?

A.On the Internet.

B.At a bus station.

C.At a tube station.

D.In convenience stores.


In a post on Love What Matters,Hanss Mujica,24,explains how he surprised his family by announcing he’d be graduating from college.

Mujica says he wasn’t a hard­working student in high school,but was able to pass his classes.“In high school,teachers are always on top of you to see if you turned in your work or if you read the assigned book,”Mujica writes in the post.But when he went to college,that wasn’t the case.

“Professors tell you the work that needs to get done and it is up to you to decide if you want to do it or not.After all you are the ones that are paying to be there.That,I believe,was my downfall as a college student.My behavior caused me to be suspended(被暫時停學) from the university.”

Mujica says that at that time,he had a 1.47 grade point average.“When my parents got the news,the looks on their faces completely broke my heart.”

Then Mujica explains how he got his schooling back on track:he went on with a different attitude,applied himself,and worked at a company to pay for school.

“Since I was suspended from the university,my federal aid was suspended as well.I was paying out of pocket and it got to the point where I had to get emergency loans(貸款) from the university.Summer 2015 came by and I could not pay back the loans so I was dropped from my fall 2015 courses.I got out another year from the university and in the summer of 2016 I decided to work upstate(在州的鄉野地區) to raise the money I needed.”

Fortunately,with help from the university dance program and the money he earned at work,Mujica returned to school in fall 2016.

In 2018,Mujica was ready to graduate.He left his parents a letter and two tickets for graduation to surprise them.“I spent six years in and out of the university but seeing the reactions on their faces was worth every sleepless night,” says Mujica.

24.What do we know about Mujica from the first two paragraphs?

A.He couldn’t adapt to the college life.

B.He has finally become a college graduate.

C.He used to be a good high school student.

D.He was sometimes ignored by his teachers.

25.According to Mujica,what was the main reason for his failure at university?

A.His wrong attitude.

B.Too much pressure.

C.Bad scores at high school.

D.Lack of professors’ instruction.

26.What does Mujica explain in Paragraph 6?

A.How he paid back the loans in 2015.

B.Why he decided to refuse his federal aid.

C.How he got emergency loans from the university.

D.Why he was dropped from the university for another year.

27.What’s the best title for the text?

A.24­year­old Finally Wins His Parents’ Support

B.Six­year College Life Puts Mujica Under Pressure

C.College Student Surprises Parents With the Graduation

D.A Moving Story on Love What Matters Attracts Attention


Kindergarten outside? Yes,indeed.It’s part of a growing worldwide trend toward outdoor education.The schools are called Forest Kindergartens.

Now the numbers are small in the U.S.,but the idea is well established in Europe,with schools in Scotland,England,and Switzerland.By far most of such schools are in Germany,which has more than 400 Forest Kindergartens.

Children attending such particular school enjoy a good amount of outdoor education each day,rain or shine.Some lessons are focused on nature;others are academic topics delivered in a natural setting.In all cases,students are active—not sitting at desks or on mats on the floor but walking,running,jumping,solving problems like how to get the mud off the bottoms of their shoes before their parents find out.

At these forest kindergartens,students learn science by observing and doing it,learn math by applying it to the natural world around them,learn letters and words by putting them together using sights and sounds.The children learn to make comparisons using natural things like apples and rocks.They develop an appreciation for animals and plants in their natural environment—not just by looking at pictures in a book or on a computer screen.

Some of the science activities involve teamwork,like explaining the best way to move a heavy object,showing how a lever(槓桿)works.In other sessions,teachers encourage students to develop their motor skills by building wooden tools such as hammers and knives.

These students also learn how to get along with one another,individually and in a group.They also develop healthy levels of self­confidence,just from being able to do the everyday activities that the school offers.

In a time when so many children are being classified as obese because of long­time watching television and playing video games,these outdoor schools help children learn just as much,if not more,from opening their eyes to the world around them.

28.Which of the following country has the most Forest Kindergartens?

A.The U.S. B.Germany.

C.The U.K. D.Switzerland.

29.Which may be seen in Forest Kindergartens?

A.Children are doing an experiment with chemicals.

B.Teachers are writing something on the blackboard.

C.Smart phones are widely used to help children learn.

D.Everything in nature is likely to be applied to teaching.

30.What is the purpose of the fourth paragraph?

A.To analyse how children learn socially.

B.To compare different teaching approaches.

C.To show how children learn academically.

D.To describe how active children are in the class.

31.What is the author’s attitude to Forest Kindergartens?

A.Negative. B.Doubtful.

C.Positive. D.Uncertain.


Have you ever caught yourself saying,“I hate small talk!”the minute you walk into a party? If so,you might be an introvert (內向的人).Introverts hate to chat about “small” subjects with people.They are fine when you talk one on one but seem to get lost in the crowd when there’s a group around.

If you’re talking to an introvert,you might find that your first few conversations go one of two ways.Either they’ll seem to get bored and not say much or they’ll seem to skate over small talk in favor of more in­depth topics.What you need to know is that the introvert is not being rude.It’s just that they don’t like small talk.Here’s why.

Small talk serves as a gateway toward deeper conversation.Some introverts don’t realize that small talk will actually help them get to the bigger topics.You don’t need to stay on small talk forever.However,sometimes introverts feel that even the short amount of time it takes to get into the real conversation is a waste of time.Small talk is very fast.Someone says something and this should be followed up with a quick response.But introverts like to chew on their words before saying them aloud.Before they answer,they’ll mull over different thoughts.

Small talk by its very nature invites more people to join in.The more people who join the conversation,the more the introvert will tend to step back.As a result,they’ll be quiet.Small talk is about throwing out subjects in the hope that one or more of them can be turned into a common point of interest.

The listening involved with small talk is not in­depth.The purpose is about listening “lightly” so you can figure out the right topics to spend some time on.Introverts tend to be great listeners,but they use active listening rather than light listening.This makes them wonderful friends,but can also make it difficult for new people to understand why they’re so quiet.

32.How do introverts respond to a chat?

A.They try to avoid it.

B.They get excited about it.

C.They give it their full attention.

D.They focus on unimportant topics.

33.What do we know about small talk?

A.It goes slowly.

B.It costs people a lot of time.

C.It contributes to deeper topics.

D.It makes no sense.

34.What does the underlined phrase “mull over” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A.Give up. B.Think over.

C.Write down. D.Forget about.

35.How can we become a good talker in small conversations?

A.Figure out the deep meaning of questions.

B.Think twice before answering questions.

C.Try to find shared topics.

D.Be a quiet listener.

第二節 (共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)


Not everyone deals with their feelings as an open book for others to read. 36 Learn to open up in order to improve your mental health.

37 Accept this and move on.Give yourself some time to have sweaty palms or a shaky voice,since it will get better with practice.

Ask people open­ended questions.To begin practicing opening up,you need to engage in honest,open conversations.Try a question like,“How are things going at work?” instead of “How’s it going?”to get an open answer.Then,in turn answer open­ended questions with honest answers,instead of “Fine” or “OK”. 38 However,in most cases people are flattered that you are listening to them and interested in their life.

Try emulating(效仿) someone who is very open.Observe them in a social situation.Then,try to act as if you were them occasionally.Many open behaviors are learned,and not a natural part of personality. 39

Avoid being a “know it all”.Some people think advice is opening up,but it is unlikely to help you more open.When you want to give advice,listen and try to learn something new from the conversation.

40 Schedule at least one long conversation per week.In the conversation you tell someone about the emotional and difficult part of your life.Get into the practice of opening up about what’s good and bad in your life.

A.In this case,practice can make perfect.

B.Call close friends and family members more often.

C.Asking people personal questions is not always proper.

D.Try connecting with hobbies,interests,vacations or books.

E.Listening patiently is a great way to overcome fear of sharing emotions in public.

F.Understand that there is usually some fear with opening up to other people.

G.However,closing yourself from new people can stop your personal growth.

第三部分 語言知識運用(共兩節,滿分45分)

第一節 (共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)


Steve,a 12­year­old boy,has been failing since first grade.He generally went 41 ...until he joined Miss White’s class.

“You all did pretty well,” she told the 42 as she went over the test results,“ 43 one boy,and it breaks my heart to tell you this,but...”She hesitated,looking at Steve.“The 44 boy in the seventh grade is failing my class.”Steve 45 his eyes and carefully examined his fingertips.

After that,Steve refused to do his 46 .Miss White was very 47 and tried to encourage him to study.“Give yourself a(n) 48 ! Don’t give up on your life!”Miss White told him,yet it didn’t 49 .

Then one day,she said,“Steve! Please! I care about you!”

50 ,Steve got it.Someone cared about him.

He spent the whole afternoon thinking about what he should do.Arriving at his house after school,feeling determined,he headed to his bedroom to 51 .

Monday morning,Miss White gave a 52 on the weekend homework.Steve 53 through the test,and was the first to hand in his paper.Miss White looked it over in total 54 .The smartest boy in the seventh grade had just 55 his first test.

From that moment,nothing was the same for Steve.He discovered that not only could he learn,but he was 56 it.

After high school,Steve joined the Navy.During his naval career,he 57 many young people who might not have believed in themselves to build up confidence.

Miss White saved one boy who 58 changing many lives.

You see,it’s simple,really.A(n) 59 can take place within the heart of one boy,all because of one teacher,who 60 .



C.unnoticed D.unpunished

42.A.class B.staff

C.colleagues D.parents

43.A.besides B.except

C.instead of D.regardless of

44.A.laziest B.richest

C.happiest D.smartest

45.A.opened B.closed

C.raised D.dropped

46.A.research B.homework

C.housework D.report

47.A.impressed B.surprised

C.anxious D.embarrassed

48.A.chance B.excuse

C.praise D.reward

49.A.stop B.work

C.matter D.happen

50.A.Luckily B.Gradually

C.Naturally D.Suddenly

51.A.study B.sleep

C.cry D.play

52.A.question B.lesson

C.quiz D.result

53.A.hurried B.lived

C.broke D.saw

54.A.victory B.shock

C.sadness D.anger

55.A.attended B.designed

C.passed D.failed

56.A.ready for B.responsible for

C.tired of D.good at

57.A.forced B.discouraged

C.met D.inspired

58.A.put up B.gave up

C.ended up D.took up

59.A.problem B.change

C.recovery D.improvement

60.A.cares B.believes

C.understands D.remembers

第二節 (共10小題;每小題1.5分,滿分15分)


Ahh...Fish,chips and soft peas! There is nothing 61. (much) British than fish and chips.Freshly cooked fish and chips,covered in salt,wrapped in newspaper and 62. (eat) out of doors on a cold day,63. (simple) cannot be beaten! So how,when and where did this typically British dish come about?

The potato 64. (think) to have been brought to England from the New World in the 17th century 65. Sir Walter Raleigh although it is believed that the French invented the fried potato chip.

Both Lancashire and London claim to be the first 66. (invent) this famous meal.In 1838,Charles Dickens 67. (refer) to “fried fish warehouses (倉庫)” in 68. novel Oliver Twist.

Ordinary people soon decided that putting fried fish and chips together was a very tasty 69. (combine) and so was born the dish of fish and chips!

The first fish and chip shop in the North of England was founded in Mossley around 1863.Mr Lees sold fish and chips from a wooden house in the market and later he moved the business to a shop across the road 70. had the following words on the window,“This is the first fish and chip shop in the world.”

第四部分 寫作(共兩節,滿分35分)

第一節 短文改錯(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)







Dear Jim,

I’m very glad to hear from you.In your letter,you said you suffer from depression because of the heavy load of study and didn’t know what to get rid of it.Therefore,I am writing to offer you some suggestion.

First of all,it is quite common of high school students to feel depressed sometimes.What really matters is you should face your problem and make up your mind to settle it.The most effectively way is to turn to your teachers for help.He will surely provide you with a useful and practical advice.Besides,take an active part in sports or you’ll feel more energetic than before.Hang out with friends is also a good way to relax yourself.

I hope my suggestions can be of some help to you.


Li Hua

第二節 書面表達(滿分25分)









參考詞彙:《中國書法鑑賞》Appreciation of Chinese Calligraphy

Dear Eric,

How is everything going?

Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua
