English from the News-13 Economic Words新聞英語-13個經濟詞彙

Do you always check the entertainment columns because they are easy to understand when you read English news? Don’t need to do that from now on. This article will guide you through some economic vocabularies that appear in the news. It will be much easier after you master them. Let’s dive right in.---當你閱讀英語新聞時,你是否總是查看娛樂欄目,因為它們很容易理解?從現在起就不需要這麼做了。本文將指導您瞭解新聞中出現的一些經濟詞彙。當你掌握之後就會變得容易得多。讓我們開始吧。

1/ GDP---國內生產總值


Gross domestic product---國內生產毛額

For example:---舉例說明

In 2018,corporate savings may have approached 25% of GDP.---2018年,企業的存款可能已經達到了國內生產總值的25%。

2/ Fiscal---財政年度


Something that relates to government money or public money, especially taxes.---稅收與政府資金或公款有關的東西,尤指稅收

For example:---舉例說明

The U.S. government fiscal year legally ends on September 30th.---美國政府財政年度法定於九月三十日結束.

3/ Quarter---季度


3 months---三個月

For example:---舉例說明

The group said results for the third quarter are due on October 29th.---該集團表示第三季度的結果將於10月29日公佈。

4/ Currency---貨幣



For example:---舉例說明:

The country's currency

went down in value by 3.5 per cent.---這個國家的貨幣貶值了3.5%。

5/ Budget---預算


To make a plan on how to spend money---計劃如何花錢

For example:---舉例說明:

In Holland, the government sets a yearly budget for health care. ---在荷蘭,政府會制定醫療保健部門的年度預算。

6/ Deficit---赤字


Spend more money than they have---花的錢比有的錢多

For example:---舉例說明:

The directors have reported a deficit of 2.5 million dollars.---董事們報告赤字為250萬美元.

7/ Surplus---盈餘,順差


Have more money than you have on budget---有比預算更多的錢

For example:---舉例說明:

Japan's annual trade surplus is in the region of 100 billion dollars.---日本每年的貿易順差額在 1,000 億美元左右。

8/ Inflation---通貨膨脹


Prices of goods and services go up, but wages stay the same.The purchase power of the individual goes down.---商品和服務價格上漲,但工資保持不變。個人的購買力下降了。

For example:---舉例說明:

The rate of inflation is running at about 2.7 percent.---通貨膨脹率約為2.7%。

9/ Deflation---通貨緊縮


Falling prices, usually accompanied by lower profits and fewer jobs.---物價普遍下降, 通常隨之而來的是利潤降低,就業機會減少.

For example:---舉例說明:

Tax became a powerful policy instrument to tackle monetary deflation.---稅收成為了應對通貨緊縮趨勢的強有力的政策工具.

10/ Stagnation---不景氣


The GDP has hardly any movement, anything stays more or less the same.---GDP幾乎沒有任何變化,任何事情都或多或少地保持不變。

For example:---舉例說明:

This country had now entered upon a long period of stagnation.---這個國家進入了一個長期不景氣的時期.

11/ Recession---經濟衰退


The economy is in decline---經濟狀況下滑

For example:---舉例說明:

The United States is in a serious recession today.---當今美國正處於嚴重的經濟衰退時期。

12/ Depression---大蕭條


Recession for a very long time---很長一段時間的經濟衰退

For example:---舉例說明:

He never forgot the hardships he witnessed during the Great Depression of the 1930s.---他永遠不會忘記 20 世紀 30 年代經濟大蕭條時期他所親眼目睹的大蕭條情形。

13/ Bubble---泡沫


The price are growing, for no real reason---價格在無緣無故地上漲。

For example:---舉例說明:

Everyone is hoping that these high-tech companies will turn out to be the Microsofts of the future. At the moment they look more like the focus of a speculative bubble.---每個人都希望這些高科技公司能成為未來的微軟。目前它們看上去更像是投機泡沫的中心。

Now that you know these 13 economic words, you could understand more when you read English news. Enjoy the economic news!---既然你已經知道了這13個經濟詞彙,下次當你閱讀英語新聞時,就能理解得更多了。好好享受經濟新聞吧!