The flowers were just a ruse.這花不過是個幌子(絕望主婦203)

Mike: "Mrs. Tilman."


Felicia: "Mr. Delfino."


Mike: "I, uh, heard you were back from the hospital. I brought you these."


Felicia: "Oh, I can't tell you how long it's been since I got flowers from a handsome man. I mean, I could, but I don't want your pity."


Mike: "Where are you off to?"


Felicia: "I'm going back to Utah for a few weeks. The recuperation's taking longer than the doctors anticipated

. Speaking of my attack, have they caught young Zachary yet?"


Mike: "No, actually, that's why I'm here."


Felicia: "So the flowers were just a ruse. Figures."


Mike: "I'm trying to find Zach before he gets in any more trouble. Do you know any friends that he might have, anywhere he might be holed up? I know you were close to him."



Felicia: "Funny thing. Since he beat me and threw me down the stairs, we just don't stay in touch like we should. Since when do you care so much about Zach Young?"


Mike: "It's complicated."


Felicia: "I'll bet. I'm sure he's out there somewhere trying to find his father, which I trust you made impossible."


Mike: "No, I let Paul go. I couldn't go through with it."

不,我把保羅放了。 我過不了自己這關。

Felicia: "That was a mistake."


Mike: "He will spend the rest of his life running from the police. I think that's punishment enough."


Felicia: "Zach is the only connection that Paul has with his dead wife. At some point, he will run back here looking for him. I don't like to be negative, but you really should have killed him."


ruse [ruːz] n.詭計; 騙術

Mike: "Mrs. Tilman."Felicia: "Mr. Delfino."Mike: "I, uh, heard you were back from the hospital. I brought you these."Felicia: "Oh, I can't tell you how long it's been since I got flowers from a handsome man. I mean, I could, but I don't want your pity."Mike: "Where are you off to?"Felicia: "I'm going back to Utah for a few weeks. The recuperation's taking longer than the doctors anticipated. Speaking of my attack, have they caught young Zachary yet?"Mike: "No, actually, that's why I'm here."Felicia: "So the flowers were just a ruse. Figures."Mike: "I'm trying to find Zach before he gets in any more trouble. Do you know any friends that he might have, anywhere he might be holed up? I know you were close to him."Felicia: "Funny thing. Since he beat me and threw me down the stairs, we just don't stay in touch like we should. Since when do you care so much about Zach Young?"Mike: "It's complicated."Felicia: "I'll bet. I'm sure he's out there somewhere trying to find his father, which I trust you made impossible."Mike: "No, I let Paul go. I couldn't go through with it."Felicia: "That was a mistake."Mike: "He will spend the rest of his life running from the police. I think that's punishment enough."Felicia: "Zach is the only connection that Paul has with his dead wife. At some point, he will run back here looking for him. I don't like to be negative, but you really should have killed him."

<code>麥克:蒂爾曼太太。 費莉莎:德爾菲諾先生。 麥克:聽說你出院了。所以帶了這個給你。 費莉莎:我都記不得上次收到英俊男人送花是什麼時候了。我是說,我能接受你的好意,但我不需要同情。 麥克:你要去 費莉莎:我打算回猶他州幾周。恢復期比醫生預料的要長。說到我受襲的事,他們有沒有抓到小扎克? 麥克:沒有,其實我來正是為了這個。 費莉莎:所以這些花不過是個幌子,明白了。 麥克:我想趁扎克沒有惹出更多麻煩之前儘快找到他。你知道他有什麼朋友嗎?可能會藏在哪?我知道你跟他比較親近。 費莉莎:真可笑,自從他打了我,把我從樓梯上推下來之後,我們之間的聯繫也就斷了。你從什麼時候起這麼關心扎克.楊了? 麥克:情況很複雜。 費莉莎:我看也是。他一定是躲在某處想找到他的父親,不過我想你已經把他殺了。 麥克:不,我把保羅放了。 我過不了自己這關。 費莉莎:大錯特錯。 麥克:他下半生都要東躲西藏,我想這懲罰已經夠了。 費莉莎:扎克是保羅和他死去的妻子的唯一聯繫,總有一天他會回到這裡找他。我不是打擊你,不過。你真該殺了他。/<code>