

The ancients said, "the mountain without stone is not strange, the water without stone is not clear, the garden without stone is not beautiful, the room without stone inelegant. "And said:" stone qingxin, stone appreciation, stone appreciation, stone intelligence, stone appreciation, stone longevity. Natural stone is a natural work of art, is the spirit of nature, the wonders of nature, is the nature of the human precious wealth. It is independent into the scene, nature into the painting, a scene a poem, a stone day, draw a picture of people's life, write a music of natural beauty.


The dragon is the god of good fortune. The dragon god line cloud, the wind and rain; The dragon god cloth rain, the grain is abundant; Blessed by the dragon, peace to men and animals; The dragon god exorcises evil, the poison does not invade; The dragon god is powerful, full of life, and everything promises a good beginning.


We Chinese people are called the descendants of the dragon, the dragon totem culture is everywhere in our traditional culture, in the hearts of people, the dragon is the embodiment of power and justice. Therefore, there is a dragon pattern of stone, ornamental stone is very popular in the appreciation of stone, because there is a dragon pattern, the shape of the stone is very rare, therefore, this kind of stone, ornamental stone, polishing stone is also sought after by everyone, such a stone has a high collection value.


Strange stone is a discovered art, for the appreciation of strange stone, a strange stone in front of us, each of us is not the same feeling of appreciation, so the stone is like the key to open our spiritual wealth, your "warehouse" there is no "goods" decided your aesthetic height. Compare the stone to the engine, your knowledge is the engine, your aesthetic feeling is the power of the engine, the same engine, not the same engine, the power is not the same. The same engine is not the same power conversion force. Some stone friends are excited to see the stone, but the recognition of the stone only stay in the appreciation of the surface of the level of the stone, this is a "point on the" small engine. There are also some stone friends see qiancheng fancy, the heart of the sea, but can not express their feelings very well, this is a large power engine pull car, energy conversion rate.


Three levels of appreciation of the stone, by the stone external attraction, the heart of the resonance and moved, to the beauty of the stone praise. This paragraph of colloquial say is, see stone is stone, see stone is not stone, see stone or stone. Master to see the stone is the third level of appreciation of the stone, that is, the evaluation and praise of the stone, this level of appreciation, the rational is more than perceptual, so the value of the grasp of the stone is more accurate.