

不晒衣服的美国家庭,一台洗衣机+一台干衣机是标配,通常放置在mudroom里,也可以叫laundry room(洗衣房)。至于为什么叫mudroom呢,因为这个空间,通常是车库到里屋的一个过度空间,美国是车轮上的国家,就算穷人家也得有1-2辆车,不然寸步难行,所以他们的习惯就是从车库入里屋,而不是大门。所以呢,由鞋子从外面带回来的泥巴就留在这个空间了吧,呵呵。因为我们习惯把车停在前院,所以都是从大门进屋,mudroom虽然放置了鞋架,但除了做洗衣房,更重要的功能就是小葡萄的卧室了。她也很喜欢自己的房间,遇到我们骂她的时候,就躲到自己房间里去,睡得也安稳,如图。


今天借这个话题,也分享一下老鹰乐队著名的作品Dirty Laundry,聊聊跟“洗衣服”有关的“不可告人的秘密”。老鹰乐队的加州旅馆California Hotel是其辉煌代表作,大家最熟悉不过了。在美国,Dirty Laundry同样是经典得人尽皆知。

尽管这首歌诞生在1982年,距今已经足足35年,然而它所诉说的故事却依然符合当下的新闻现实。这首歌的创作灵感来自当时媒体对因吸毒过量死亡的演员 John Belushi和航行中落水身亡的演员Natalie Wood以及本歌创作者之一的Henley他本人1980年被捕的各种追踪报道。歌词表达对电视新闻以及其他小报聚焦负面新闻、哗众取宠博眼球的行径的不满,尤其是对死亡、灾难、丑闻的报道,他们不关心事件的真正结果,和真正重要的需要去挖掘的有价值的一面。例如歌词中提到的"Is the head dead yet?","Get the widow on the set",记者们只关心新闻人物是否死亡产生更劲爆的话题,而并非关注事件的来龙去脉及对当事人及家庭的关怀与同情。这与当下某些社交媒体蹭着热点就上,站个位就开论有多少不同呢?最大的不同是不必到现场等候消息了,而只需在家敲键盘就行。

"Dirty Laundry"直接的意思是包括衣裤鞋袜床单被子毛巾在内的所有脏衣物,喻为“丑事”、“丑闻”、“不可告人的秘密”。例如,你的妈妈警告你不要“家丑外扬”时会说:"Don't air our dirty laundry!"

"Dirty Laundry" is a hit song written by Don Henley and Danny Kortchmar, from Henley's Gold-plus debut solo album I Can't Stand Still, released in 1982. The song hit #1 on the Billboard Top Album Tracks chart in October 1982, prior to being issued as a 45. Lyrically, the song describes mass media sensationalism and yellow journalism.

Released as the second single from I Can't Stand Still, it spent four weeks at #3 on the Billboard Hot 100 in early 1983. The single was certified Gold by the Recording Industry Association of America, representing sales of over 500,000 records in the US.

The song is about the callousness (and callowness) of TV news reporting as well as the tabloidization of all news. Henley sings from the standpoint of a news anchorman who "could have been an actor, but I wound up here", and thus is not a real journalist. The song's theme is that TV news coverage focuses too much on negative and sensationalist news; in particular, deaths, disasters, and scandals, with little regard to the consequences or for what is important ("We all know that crap is king"). The song was inspired by the intrusive press coverage surrounding the deaths of John Belushi and Natalie Wood, and Henley's own arrest in 1980.[3] A line in the second verse, "Is the head dead yet?", actually comes from journalism lingo, and refers to the major headline story being ready to post or print. If a head is dead, it has already been set and is being printed or created, and it is now too late to make changes to the story. (from Wikipedia)

Dirty laundry - The Eagles

I make my living off the evening news

Just give me something,

something I can use

People love it when you lose,

They love dirty laundry

Well, I coulda been an actor,

but I wound up here

I just have to look good,

I don‘t have to be clear

Come and whisper in my ear

Give us dirty laundry

Kick em when they're up

Kick em when they're down

Kick em when they're up

Kick em when they're down

Kick em when they're up

Kick em all around

We got bubble headed bleach blonde the who

Comes on at five

She can tell you bout the

plane crash with a gleam in her eye

It's interesting when people die

Give us dirty laundry

Can we film the operation?

Is the head dead yet?

You know, the boys in the newsroom got a

running bet

Get the widow on the set!

We need dirty laundry

You don't really need to

find out what's going on

You don't really want to

know just how far it's gone

Just leave well enough alone

Eat your dirty laundry

Kick em when they're up

Kick em when they're down

Kick em when they're up

Kick em when they're down

Kick em when they're up

Kick em when they're down

Kick em when they're stiff

Kick em all around

Dirty little secrets

Dirty little lies

We got our dirty little

fingers in everybody's pie

We love to cut you down to size

We love dirty laundry

We can do the innuendo

We can dance and sing

When it's said and done

We have'nt told you a thing

We all know that crap is king

Give us dirty laundry!

Kick em when they're up

Kick em when they're down
