




黯然低分詞:朋友 friend


熟人 acquaintance

夥伴 associate,companion

密友,知己 intimate,confidant


好處 good side

壞處 bad side


好處,優點 advantage,merit,benefit, virtue, strength

壞處,缺點 disadvantage,defect,flaw,drawback,deficiency, shortcoming,weakness

黯然低分詞:進步 progress

閃光高分詞:進步,成就,成績 advancement,achievement,accomplishment,


黯然低分詞:渴望 desire

閃光高分詞:志氣,抱負,渴望 aspiration,ambition,yearning,thirst

黯然低分詞:樂趣 fun

閃光高分詞:娛樂,樂趣 entertainment,amusement

黯然低分詞:方法 way

閃光高分詞:方法,手段 method,approach,means,measure,mode

黯然低分詞:目標 goal

閃光高分詞:目的,目標 purpose,objective,aim

黯然低分詞:事實上 in fact

閃光高分詞:事實上 in reality,in effect,as a matter of fact,practically,virtually,


黯然低分詞:在我看來 I my opinion

閃光高分詞:在我看來,就我而言 in my view,in my belief,as far as I can see,

in my mind,as far as I am concerned, from my perspective

黯然低分詞:為了 for,to

閃光高分詞:為了 for the sake of,in order to,so as to,on the purpose of


黯然低分詞:適應 be used to

閃光高分詞:適應 be adapted to,be accustomed to,be adjusted to

黯然低分詞:阻止 stop

閃光高分詞:阻礙,阻止 hinder,curb,hamper,restrain,prevent,ward off,


黯然低分詞:參加 join, enter

閃光高分詞:參與 participate in,attend,take part in,go in for,engage in

黯然低分詞:注 意payone’s attention to


集中精力於 focus on,center on,concentrate on

專心於 set one’s mind on

黯然低分詞:花時間做 spend

閃光高分詞:抽出時間做…… set aside,put aside,spare

黯然低分詞:依賴,依靠 depend on

光高分詞:依賴,依靠 rely on,learn on

黯然低分詞:盡力做 try to , work hard

閃光高分詞:努力做,盡力做 attempt to,make efforts to,endeavor to,manage to do

黯然低分詞:完成 finish

閃光高分詞:實現,完成 achieve,accomplish,fulfill,complete

黯然低分詞:把 …… 看 作,當作 see…as

閃光高分詞:把……看作,當作 regard as,consider as,look on…as,treat…as,view…as

黯然低分詞:禁止 prevent

閃光高分詞:禁止 ban,disallow,prohibit,forbid

黯然低分詞:除……還有 besides

閃光高分詞:除……外 apart from,in addition to,along with

黯然低分詞:做 do

閃光高分詞:開展,實施,做 practice,carry out,conduct,perform

黯然低分詞:強調 emphasize

閃光高分詞:強調,突出 lay/place emphasis on,attach emphasis to,stress on,




opinion of

閃光高分詞:珍愛,珍惜,重視 cherish,treasure,value

黯然低分詞:註定 it is decided…

閃光高分詞:註定 be doomed to,be destined to

黯然低分詞:解釋 explain

閃光高分詞:解釋 account for,illustrate,clarify

黯然低分詞:起作用 work

閃光高分詞:起作用 play a role,perform,function,serve,play a part

黯然低分詞:證明 prove

閃光高分詞:證實,證明 testify,confirm,verify,turn out

黯然低分詞:遇到 meet

閃光高分詞:碰到,遇到 come across,meet with,encounter,confront

黯然低分詞:展開 spread

閃光高分詞:擴展,擴展 expand,broaden,widen,extend,enlarge

黯然低分詞:問 ask

閃光高分詞:請教,諮詢 consult,return to,resort to

黯然低分詞:願 want to

閃光高分詞:等不及,渴望 cannot wait to,be eager to/for,long for,yearn

for/to/after,hunger for/after,look forward to

黯然低分詞:增長 grow

閃光高分詞:提高 improve,increase,enhance,raise,elevate

黯然低分詞:給予 give

閃光高分詞:給予,捐贈,贈與 impart,donate,contribute

黯然低分詞:使相信 make…believe

閃光高分詞:使信服 convince,persuade,assure,confirm

黯然低分詞:減少 cut

閃光高分詞:減少,消弱 reduce,decrease,diminish,lessen

黯然低分詞:經歷 experience

閃光高分詞:承受,經歷 undergo,endure,live with,go through

黯然低分詞:組成,形成 form

閃光高分詞:(整體)由……組成 be made up of,consist of,be comprised of, be composed of

構成(整體) constitute,compose

黯然低分詞:教 teach

閃光高分詞:教授 tutor,coach,educate

黯然低分詞:顯示 show

閃光高分詞:顯示 point to,indicate,demonstrate,reflect,manifest

黯然低分詞:縮短 make…shorter

閃光高分詞:縮短,減少 shorten,cut down

黯然低分詞:帶來 bring


滋生,產生 breed,cultivate,develop,produce

黯然低分詞:製作 make


建立 construct,build,set up,put up,found,establish

黯然低分詞:最後 finally,at last


遲早,最終 eventually,sooner or later,at length,ultimately

黯然低分詞:遭受 suffer

閃光高分詞:遭受,遭遇 be subjected to,sustain,encounter

黯然低分詞:知道 know

閃光高分詞:熟悉,知道 be acquainted with,be familiar with,be informed of

黯然低分詞:解決 solve

閃光高分詞:解決,處理 resolve,settle,deal with,cope with,manage,work on

黯然低分詞:想 think

閃光高分詞:想出,想到 come up with,cross one’s mind,occur to somebody

黯然低分詞:與……聯繫 be related to

閃光高分詞:與……相聯繫 be connected with,be linked to,be relevant to,have

something to do with

黯然低分詞:需要 need

閃光高分詞:需要 call for,require,demand

黯然低分詞:憎恨 hate

閃光高分詞:輕視,蔑視 despise,contempt,belittle,distain

黯然低分詞:放棄 give up

閃光高分詞:拋棄,放棄 desert,abandon,quit

黯然低分詞:吸引 attract

閃光高分詞:吸引 allure,captivate,fascinate,tempt,

黯然低分詞:進入 come into,enter

閃光高分詞:湧入 fold into,overflow into,crowd into,swarm in

黯然低分詞:合作 work together

閃光高分詞:合作 cooperate,join forces,work side by side,make joint efforts

黯然低分詞:影響 influence

閃光高分詞:影響 affect,impact,have effect on

黯然低分詞:意識 realize

閃光高分詞:意識到 be aware of,be conscious of

黯然低分詞:花費 spend

閃光高分詞:消費 consume,expend

黯然低分詞:集中注意 力於pay attention to

閃光高分詞:專 心 於 set one’s mind on sth,,concentrate on,be absorbed in,be engrossed in,be lost in,be occupied in,be attentive on


決定做 decide to do


決心做 be determined to do,make up one’s mind to do


理解 understand


吸收,消化 assimilate,digest,grasp,absorb,comprehend

黯然低分詞:遵守 obey

閃光高分詞:遵守 abide by,observe,conform


黯然低分詞:勤奮的 hardworking

光高分詞:勤奮的,勤勉的 diligent,studious,industrious

黯然低分詞:認真的 careful,serious

閃光高分詞:認真的,謹慎的 conscientious,cautious

黯然低分詞:平靜的 calm

閃光高分詞:冷靜的,清醒的 sober,reasonable,sensible,rational

黯然低分詞:聰明的 clever

閃光高分詞:聰明的,有才智的 intelligent,bright,wise,brilliant

黯然低分詞:累的 tired

閃光高分詞:疲憊不堪的 exhausted,fatigued,run-down,worn-out,weary

黯然低分詞:不開心的 sad

閃光高分詞:沮喪的,失意的 frustrated,discouraged,depressed,downhearted,


黯然低分詞:好的 good

閃光高分詞:優秀的 outstanding,perfect,brilliant,remarkable,distinguished,


黯然低分詞:完全的 complete

閃光高分詞:全面的,徹底的 sheer,utter,thorough

黯然低分詞:不好的 bad

閃光高分詞:粗俗的,不雅的 vulgar,unrefined,obscene,improper,foul,crude,


黯然低分詞:好的 good

閃光高分詞:教育性的,啟發性的 instructive,educational,enlightening

黯然低分詞:極好的,驚人的 great, surprising

閃光高分詞:難以置信的,驚人的,令人震驚的 fantastic,incredible,unusual, unbelievable , exceptional , extraordinary , marvelous , notable ,


黯然低分詞:美麗的 beautiful,pretty

閃光高分詞:迷人的,吸引人的 enchanting,charming,appealing,alluring,


黯然低分詞:擔心的 worried

閃光高分詞:憂慮的,不安的 anxious,uneasy,troubled,concerned,restless

黯然低分詞:有機會 have a chance to/of

閃光高分詞:有機會的 stand a chance of,have an opportunity to

黯然低分詞:不公正的 unfair

閃光高分詞:有偏見的,偏心的 biased,prejudiced,partial,discriminative

黯然低分詞:假的 false

閃光高分詞:假的,偽造的 fake,deceptive,disguised,cheating

黯然低分詞:好的 good


建設性的,有益的 constructive,helpful,valuable,useful

黯然低分詞:較低的 lower

閃光高分詞:低等的,次要的 inferior,junior,minor,secondary,lesser,insignificant

黯然低分詞:合理的 reasonable

閃光高分詞:明智的,合理的 advisable,sensible,rational,sane,logical

黯然低分詞:完全的 complete,all

閃光高分詞:全部的,全面的 entire,overall,comprehensive

黯然低分詞:僅有的 only

閃光高分詞:唯一的,僅有的 sole,single,unique

黯然低分詞:誠實的 honest

閃光高分詞:真誠的,誠實的,正直的 sincere,truthful,genuine,upright

黯然低分詞:不友好的 not kind

閃光高分詞:有敵意的,反對的 hostile,adverse,aggressive

黯然低分詞:節約的 saving,sparing

閃光高分詞:節約的,節儉的 economical,thrifty,frugal,prudent

黯然低分詞:可能的 be possible

閃光高分詞:易於,傾向於 be prone to,be liable to,tend to,incline to,be likely


黯然低分詞:反覆 again and again

閃光高分詞:重複地 repeatedly,over and over,time and again

黯然低分詞:失業的 out of work

閃光高分詞:失業的 unemployed,laid-off,jobless,workless

黯然低分詞:必要的 necessary

閃光高分詞:必要的,不可缺少的 indispensable,essential

黯然低分詞:永 久 地 , 不 變 的 unchangingly

閃光高分詞:永久地,長期不變地 permanently,enduringly,lastingly,constantly

黯然低分詞:過時的 go out of date

閃光高分詞:過時的 go out of style,go out of fashion

黯然低分詞:充足的 enough,plenty

閃光高分詞:足夠的,充足的 sufficient,adequate,ample

黯然低分詞:因為 because of

閃光高分詞:因為 due to,owing to,thanks to

黯然低分詞:很大 very big

閃光高分詞:巨大的 tremendous,immense,huge,gigantic,giant,enormous

黯然低分詞:許多 many

閃光高分詞:不計其數的countless , endless , unlimited , innumerable ,


黯然低分詞:特殊的,特別的 special

閃光高分詞:具體的,明確的 concrete,specific,particular,definite
