

Dear Colleague: We Must Insist and Act on the Truth in the Coronavirus Crisis



Dear Democratic Colleague,


This Easter Weekend provided me with a time for deeper prayer and reflection. This is an unbearably sad time with all Americans sharing the same devastating experience: we are grieving for those who have died from the coronavirus, we are fearful for our health and especially the health of our loved ones and we are heartbroken for our children who are unable to be in school and with their friends.


As Americans, we are suffering from pressures of economic hardship. All of us want to resume the precious and beautiful lives that America’s unique freedoms provide. We will overcome this moment, but success requires one fundamental from which all actions will follow: we need the truth. To succeed in this crisis, we must insist on the truth, and we must act upon it!


In order to move forward, we must first understand the truth of what has put us in this position:


The truth is that Donald Trump dismantled the infrastructure handed to him which was meant to plan for and overcome a pandemic, resulting in unnecessary deaths and economic disaster.事实是,唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)拆除了交付给他的基础设施,这些设施原本是用来规划和克服流行病的,结果造成了不必要的死亡和经济灾难。The truth is that in January Donald Trump was warned about this pandemic, ignored those warnings, took insufficient action and caused unnecessary death and disaster.事实是,今年1月,唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)被警告要警惕这种流行病,但他无视这些警告,采取了不充分的行动,造成了不必要的死亡和灾难。The truth is that Donald Trump told his most loyal followers that the pandemic was a hoax and that it would magically disappear, thus endangering lives and paving the way for economic disaster.事实是,唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)告诉他最忠实的追随者,这场流行病是一场骗局,它将神奇地消失,从而危及生命,为经济灾难铺平道路。The truth is that we did not have proper testing available in March despite Trump repeatedly claiming that we did; and even now, we do not have adequate tests, masks, PPE, and necessary equipment, which creates unnecessary death and suffering.事实是,尽管特朗普一再声称我们在3月份进行了适当的检测,但我们并没有这样做;即使是现在,我们也没有足够的检测、面罩、个人防护装备和必要的设备,这造成了不必要的死亡和痛苦。The truth is because of an incompetent reaction to this health crisis, the strong economy handed to Donald Trump is now a disaster, causing the suffering of countless Americans and endangering lives.事实是,由于对这场健康危机的无能反应,唐纳德·特朗普手中的强劲经济现在成了一场灾难,造成无数美国人的痛苦,危及生命。The truth is a weak person, a poor leader, takes no responsibility. A weak person blames others.事实是,一个软弱的人,一个差劲的领导,不负责任。弱者责怪他人。

The truth is, from this moment on, Americans must ignore lies and start to listen to scientists and other respected professionals in order to protect ourselves and our loved ones.


Here’s more that is true: the American people want us to work together. In March, Congress passed three bipartisan bills to address this crisis. The first bill passed the House on March 4 and focused on testing, testing, testing.这不仅是事实:美国人民希望我们共同努力。今年3月,国会通过了三项跨党派法案来解决这一危机。第一个法案于3月4日在众议院通过,重点是测试,测试,测试。

The truth is, one month later, we do not have appropriate testing. The President continues to obfuscate, saying we have more testing than any other country in the world. The truth is that only 1 percent of Americans have been tested. The failure to test is central to the spread of the virus and its impact on those most vulnerable in our society. The failure to test is dangerous and deadly, and without testing, we cannot resume our lives.


The President has said that we are engaged in a war. Leaders understand that in war, force protection of our troops is the top priority. In this war, force protection means for health care, police, fire, EMS, food and other essential workers to have the protective equipment that they need to save lives without risking their own.


The truth is that we do not have the necessary hospital equipment. Without ventilators and other equipment, our health care workers cannot save the lives of those they serve.


Once we all share the truth of what took place and what is currently happening, including in our minority communities, we can work together to solve these problems.


There are important decisions ahead. We can go forward confident that America, its competent and honest leaders and its people are fully capable of making the right choices and decisions to restore the American greatness that has been squandered.


But if we are not working from the truth, more lives will be lost, economic hardship and suffering will be extended unnecessarily and our children will not be safe, happy and learning. Our future will be healthy and prosperous if we no longer tolerate lies and deceit.


We must recognize the truth, we must speak the truth, we must insist on the truth and we must and will act upon it.


Respectfully and sadly,
