【自學英語】一天背誦一課 三個月拿下英語 (46)

Lesson 46 Expensive and uncomfortable 既昂貴又受罪

First listen and then answer the question. 聽錄音,然後回答以下問題:What did the man in this story do?



When a plane from London arrived at Sydney airport, workers began to unload a number of wooden boxes which contained clothing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heavy. It suddenly occurred to one of the workers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he found. A man was lying in the box on top of a pile of woolen goods. He was so surprised at being discovered that he did not even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man admitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over eighteen hours. The man was ordered to pay $3,500 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a ticket is $2,000!


When a plane from London arrived at Sydney airport, workers began to unload a number of wooden boxes which contained clothing.


No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heavy.


It suddenly occurred to one of the workers to open up the box.


He was astonished at what he found. A man was lying in the box on top of a pile of woolen goods.


He was so surprised at being discovered that he did not even try to run away.


After he was arrested, the man admitted hiding in the box before the plane left London.


He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over eighteen hours.


The man was ordered to pay $3,500 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a ticket is $2,000!


【New words and expressions】 生詞和短語

★unload v. 卸(貨)

load v 裝(貨)

★wooden adj. 木製的

★extremely adv. 非常, 極其

extremely 把一個形容詞或副詞推到了極限,達到了無以復加的程度

extremely beautiful 非常漂亮
I am tired. 我累了

I am extremely tired. 我累極了

★occur vi. 發生 (不及物)

happen vi. 發生 (不及物)
What happened/occured ?It happened to me... 這件事發生在我身上

What happened to the clavichord?
What's wrong with you? (以前我們會這麼問)
What happened to you? 什麼事發生在你身上?

It occured to me.... 我想起了一件事It occured to sb that....
It occured to me that I didn't finish my homework. 我想起我還沒完成作業

I have a good idea.A good idea occured to me.
sth occur to sb
It occurs to sb to do sth / It occurs to sb that...
It suddenly occurred to one of the workers to open up the box. 突然一個工人想到打開箱子看看

sth occur to sb 某人突然想起某件事 (從後面往前面翻)

★astonish vt.使驚訝

如果一個動詞跟人的情緒有關,則它的賓語是人, 其形容詞有兩個: 令人 -ing ; 感到 -ed

surprise 最常用,但意思膚淺

shock 不快的事情

astonish 難以置信的事I am surprised.
I am astonished.astound vt.使驚駭, 使大吃一驚 (非常吃驚, 目瞪口呆)
I am surprised.-->astonished-->astounded-->shocked 驚訝程度遞增

★pile n. 堆

★woollen n. 羊毛的

★goods n. (常用複數)貨物, 商品

★discover v. 發現 (屬於那種以前你不知道的事現在知道了)
discovery n探索

discovery n.發現, 發明的東西

★admit v. 承認

deny sth/deny doing
admit sth/ admit doing sthI admit having lunch.

★confine v. 關在或侷限在某個地方(一個狹小的空間裡)
sb was confined to (一定會加 “to” )

sb was confined to the room.

★normal adj. 正常的, 通常的


It suddenly occurred to one of the workers to open up the box.

occur to sb

it occur to sb to do sth/that...

clothing 在分類時強調衣服這一種類clothes 表示"衣服"的單數名詞的複數形式, 表示許多衣服

No one could...No one knows... 沒有人知道

account for = explain, 但也有區別, account 的解釋必須是令人滿意的, 而explain 卻只要是一個解釋就行account n.計算, 帳目, 說明, 估計, 理由 vi.說明, 總計有, 認為, 得分 vt.認為

give the explanation一個句子跟在一個名詞後,可以是: 1.定語從句; 2.同位語從句My friend Lucy: 同位語I know the fact that he doesn't know.
I do know the fact that he doesn't know.區別:1.同位語從句後的that是起解釋說明的作用, 而定語從句是起修飾作用2.that在從句中做主語或賓語成分,則是定語從句; that在從句中不能做主語或賓語成分,則是同位語從句

be astonished at : 對什麼感到吃驚用介詞 “at”be surprised at
what = the thing that...
on top of a pile ofpiles of snow : 一堆堆at the top of/on top of : 在...之上on top of 與頂端有接觸面at the top of 在...上方(at the top of之前的詞屬於其之後的詞的範圍之內)

so...that... 如此...以致於admit doing sth
have a trip for:because: 文中這裡強調事實, 而非原因be confined to
over:more than pay...for... 為...付錢pay 付錢cost of ...的花費, 費用

the cost of government : 政府開支It is too expensive! (expensive 意為貴得令人不能接受)

dear : The book is dear 這本書有點貴

dear adj.昂貴的, 親愛的 int.[表示驚訝, 憐憫等],

Oh, ~!have a trip
go on a trip