


The American diplomatic magazine The National Interest published an article Monday titled "Will the Trump White House Make China Great Again in a Post-Pandemic Era?" The article pointed out that China and the United States have behaved very differently during this epidemic, which may lead to a major shift in the world order.


The article praised China in adopting a "scientific and health-driven approach" to combat the coronavirus, and criticized the Trump government's "economic-fueled" approach which in the authors' opinion has "undermined scientists and health professionals."



U.S. President Donald Trump speaks about the coronavirus in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, U.S., April 14, 2020. /AP


"With his lack of diplomatic acumen and strategic vision for the United States, President Trump's range of deflections, failures, misgivings, and utter incompetence in the face of the coronavirus presents a victory for China by default," the article said, calling Trump's decision on suspending funding to the World Health Organization a way to deflect blame, and said his efforts in making sure that his name is printed on stimulus checks were "an unprecedented form of retail politics with an inferiority complex."




While U.S. President Donald Trump is busy shifting the blame, China has become the "perceptive leader in humanitarian response," the article said, through providing medical supplies including thousands of masks, ventilators, and even doctors to countries that are in critical need of help, with the U.S. included, given that it has accepted more Chinese aid than it actually provided to its own people.


China's "generous aid" towards the world, according the article, represents a strategic opportunity to "transform the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) into a new Health Silk Road" which will in turn bolster the country's global reputation.

Aerial photo taken on April 4, 2019 shows the Lotus Tower in Colombo, capital of Sri Lanka. /Xinhua Photo



Taking Sri Lanka, a country becoming "increasingly more important" to the U.S. as an example, the article stated that "The United States is losing its grip over Sri Lanka made evident by its failure to renew its Status of Forces Agreement, even after pledging $480 million in development aid via the Millennium Challenge Compact (MCC)." Meanwhile, China extended a ten-year 500 million U.S. dollar concessionary loan to help Sri Lanka fight COVID-19 only days after an urgent request was sent out from the Colombo administration.



"If Trump continues to pursue failed policies, distrust allies, and shirk global responsibilities, then China will be well-poised to replace the United States as the global leader in a post-pandemic era—not by design but by default," the article concluded.


The number of confirmed COVID-19 infections in the U.S. hit 1,040,488, with 60,999 fatalities, as of 14:32 BJT on Thursday, according to statistics released by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University.

