




3月20日,联合国“可持续发展解决方案网络”(Sustainable Development Solutions Network)发布了《世界幸福报告》(World Happiness Report),芬兰连续第二年被评为“全球最幸福国家”。此外,在今年的幸福指数排名中,北欧国家表现抢眼。丹麦、挪威、冰岛三国紧随芬兰之后,分列二、三、四位。

Screenshot via 2019 World Happiness Report

As seen in the 2019 World Happiness Report issued by the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) on Wednesday, Finland topped the rankings for the world's happiest countries for the second year in a row.

Since 2012, the SDSN had published the annual report that ranks 156 countries and regions by how happy their citizens perceive themselves to be. In this year's report, Nordic countries dominated the top 10 rankings, with Denmark, Norway and Iceland following Finland to take the leading spots.


People enjoy a sunny day at the Esplanade in Helsinki, Finland, May 3, 2017. /VCG Photo


The happiness rankings are mainly based on six key variables that support well-being: income, freedom, trust, healthy life expectancy, social support and generosity.

Data collected by SDSN shows that Finland has got great scores in these six factors, thereby helping it beat out 155 other countries for the title in the 2019 report.


People sit at the stairs of the Helsinki Cathedral, Finland, May 3, 2017. /VCG Photo


But many young netizens believe the Nordic nation is happier than other countries due to a tradition seemingly rooted in Finns' DNA: A constant attempt to avoid social situations. Net users long for a happy life in Finland because the country is considered a paradise for people with "social anxiety disorder."


Several funny memes circulated online, showing Finnish people's habits of avoiding contact with strangers and respecting personal space, like single seats in public spaces and large gaps between people waiting at a bus stop.


Last year, a comic series titled "Finnish Nightmares" trended on Chinese social media. Each strip is about the social challenges faced by a mild-mannered stick figure named Matti, who fears crowds and small talk. Matti's experience echoes millions of young Chinese who are socially awkward and find themselves getting easily embarrassed. As it has become more popular online, the comic series even coined a new buzzword "Jingfen", the abbreviation of "Spiritually Finnish" in Chinese, which refers to people who hate socializing, like Finns, and believe their private space is very important.


