
1. butterflies in one's stomach用在恋爱时表示中文里的“小鹿乱撞”的意思。口语里也经常简略的说:got butterflies;

2. “放长线钓大鱼”意思其实也就是慢慢吊人胃口,英语里我们可以说:play it slow,

例如:You didn't ask her out and you didn't even answer her phone. What were you thinking? --Well, I was playing it slow. 类似的还有play hard to get 欲擒故纵

3. Patch在口语中可延伸为平息事件、修复感情等,patch up sth. 或patch sth. up意思就是:修复感情问题,和解恋爱中的矛盾

My GF and I sometimes argued about having a baby, but we always patched things up. 我女朋友跟我有时候会因为要小孩的事情而争执,但我们最后总能和好。

