每日新闻播报(April 22)

A man wearing a face mask passes by gas pumps at a gas station in the Brooklyn borough of New York, the United States, April 20, 2020. [Photo/Xinhua]

>Oil trades at negative prices原油期货价格跌至负值

Benchmark US oil prices crashed into negative territory for the first time in history as the evaporation of demand caused by the coronavirus pandemic leaves the world awash with oil and without storage capacity - meaning producers are paying buyers to take it off their hands. 美国基准油价有史以来首次跌入负值区间,原因是新冠肺炎疫情引发需求下降,导致原油大量过剩,储存空间耗尽,这意味着生产商为了摆脱手头的石油还得付钱给买家。

The West Texas Intermediate for May delivery shed $55.9, or nearly 306%, to settle at -$37.63 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange on Monday. 20日,纽约商品交易所5月交货的西得克萨斯中质原油期货价格暴跌55.9美元,收于每桶-37.63美元,跌幅近306%。

It marks the first time an oil futures contract has traded negative in history, according to Dow Jones market data. 道琼斯市场数据显示,这是历史上首次石油期货合约以负价格交易。

The May contract expires on Tuesday. Traders tried to unload positions ahead of the contract's expiration, contributing to the historic drop. 5月合约将在当地时间21日到期。交易者试图在合约到期前清仓,导致原油价格出现历史性下跌。

Many analysts believe headwinds remain on the energy market in the foreseeable future.许多分析人士认为,在可预见的未来,能源市场疲软态势难改。

Los Angeles Lakers forward LeBron James (23) shoots the basketball against Golden State Warriors forward Jonas Jerebko (21) during the first quarter at Oracle Arena, Oakland, CA, Dec 25, 2018. [Photo/Agencies]

>NBA China CEO to step down


Derek Chang will step down as CEO of NBA China, it was announced by NBA deputy commissioner and chief operating officer Mark Tatum. 美国职业篮球协会(NBA)副主席兼首席运营官谭惠民近日宣布,张墀驹将卸任NBA中国首席执行官一职。

Chang, who has been in his current role since June 2018, will continue to lead NBA China through May 15 after which he will return to his family in London. 张墀驹于2018年6月起担任该职位,他将继续领导NBA中国至今年5月15日,随后将回到伦敦与家人团聚。

A search for a new CEO of NBA China is underway. 寻找新任NBA中国首席执行官的工作正在进行中。

During Chang's tenure, the NBA expanded its partnerships with Tencent, Alibaba and Vivo and launched new partnerships with digital media companies ByteDance and China Mobile Migu. 在张墀驹的任期内,NBA和腾讯、阿里巴巴及Vivo拓展了合作关系,与数字媒体公司字节跳动和中国移动咪咕建立了新的合作伙伴关系。

Under Chang's leadership, the league opened the largest NBA Store outside North America, in Beijing, the world's first NBA Center, an NBA-themed lifestyle complex in Tianjin, as well as eight other interactive NBA-themed destinations across the country for fans of all ages. 在其领导下,联盟在北京开设了北美以外最大的NBA旗舰店,全球首座NBA主题生活方式建筑综合体——NBA中心在天津开业,全国另外八家适合各年龄球迷的NBA主题互动场所也已开始营业。

Chang also managed the league's long-standing relationships with CCTV and BesTV and oversaw four NBA China Games in 2018 and 2019.张墀驹还管理了与中央广播电视总台和百视通的长期合作关系,并负责了2018年和2019年的四场NBA中国赛的举办。

Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, is closed. [Photo provided to Chinaculture.org]

>Disney furloughs 100k employees迪士尼停发10万人薪水

Walt Disney Co, is now suspending salary payments to over 100,000 employees, mostly cast members in its theme parks, as the COVID-19 pandemic is delivering blow after blow to the beleaguered entertainment industry, US media reported on Monday. 据美国媒体20日报道,随着新冠肺炎大流行给深陷困境的娱乐业带来接二连三的打击,迪士尼公司将暂停给10万多名员工发放薪水,这些员工大部分是主题乐园的演员。

The move to furlough many of its employees will save Disney about $500 million a month in expenses. 暂时解雇大多数员工将使迪士尼每月节省约5亿美元的开支。

The company has drawn on its credit facilities and has about $20 billion in cash to weather this storm, according to a multimedia financial-services company. 一家多媒体金融服务公司称,迪士尼公司已动用其信贷额度,并拿到约200亿美元现金来抵御这场风暴。

The Hollywood entertainment giant last month shut down the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California and Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, and later announced those theme park resorts will remain closed "until further notice" amid the COVID-19 pandemic. 上个月,这个好莱坞娱乐巨头关闭了位于加利福尼亚州阿纳海姆的迪士尼乐园度假村和位于佛罗里达州奥兰多的迪士尼世界,随后又宣布,在新冠肺炎疫情期间,这些主题公园度假村将无限期关闭,等待"进一步通知"。

Disney noted on April 2 in a statement the pandemic is having "a devastating impact on the company with untold suffering and loss" and "has required all of us to make sacrifices."迪士尼在4月2日的一份声明中指出,这场全球性流行病正"给该公司带来灾难性影响、难以形容的痛苦和损失","已经到了我们所有人都得做出牺牲的地步"。

A teller counts cash at a bank branch in Hangzhou, capital of East China's Zhejiang province. [Photo by Hu Jianhuan/For China Daily]

>PBOC announces rate cut我国央行宣布大幅降息

The People's Bank of China cut the benchmark lending rate by 0.2 percentage points on Monday, the largest decline since the new rate was set in August 2019, to lower financing costs and offset downward pressures from the coronavirus pandemic. 为降低融资成本,对冲新冠肺炎疫情带来的经济下行压力,中国人民银行20日宣布将基准贷款利率下调0.2个百分点,这是自2019年8月央行执行利率新政以来的最大幅度降息。

The one-year loan prime rate (LPR), which reflects the lending rate 18 banks offer to their best clients, decreased to 3.85%, down from 4.05%. The five-year LPR, which is related to mortgage rates, dropped by 0.1 percentage point to 4.65%according to the central bank. 央行表示,反映18家银行对最优质客户的贷款利率报价的一年期贷款基础利率从4.05%降至3.85%;房贷利率参考的五年期贷款基础利率调降0.1个百分点,至4.65%。

Analysts said the move was in line with market expectations, and there is still policy room for further cuts of interest rates and reserve requirement ratios to keep ample liquidity and support smaller companies.分析人士称,央行此次降息符合市场预期,为保持流动性充裕,支持小微企业,降息和降准仍有政策空间。
