一套合適3-12歲孩子讀的英文繪本“The Big Bible Story”




突然有一天在羅湖圖書館看到了這本“The big Bible story”,簡單易懂,最關鍵的是給孩子看的,居然還有詩歌的美感。



God the maker

This is God's wonderful world.

Here is the sun, shining so bright,

that God put in his wonderful world.

Here are the silvery moon and stars,

that God put in his wonderful world.

Here is the sea with splashing waves,

that God put in his wonderful world.

Here are creatures which live

in the sea, that God put in his

wonderful world.

Here is the sky, way up high, that

God put in his wonderful world.

Here are birds, which fly in the sky,

that God put in his wonderful world.

Here is the land with plants and trees,

thlat God put in his wonderful world.

Here are rain clouds that water

the land, that God put in his

wonderful world.

Here are animals big and small,

that God put in his wonderful world.

And here are some people God

made to enjoy and look after his

wonderful world.