最怕男人说:"放心,包在我身上,我都帮你 cover 了!"

常看美剧的童鞋肯定对"I got your back!"这句话不陌生,在很多的枪战片里,黑帮老大总是重重地拍拍下属的肩膀,然后大义凛然地说:“Don't worry. I got your back here. Just go ahead! ! 别担心,我掩护,你尽管冲吧!”结果呢,就是这哥们儿肯定就被"结果"了......

结合语境,大家肯定一下就明白了,这个“I got your back!”就是"我支持你、我挺你"的意思。同时,还可以说成:" I've got your back!"就是:"有我在呢,放心吧"的意思。

而与它同一含义的还有另外一句表达:"I've got you covered." 大家可千万别按着字面儿硬翻成:" 我给你盖好了"。否则会让人产生误会的呢~

大家可别小看了这个" cover ",除了战场上那句著名的"cover me! 掩护我!" 之外,它还可以用在职场和情场上哟,举几个栗子~


If the boss asks where I am, will you cover for me?


Are you looking for cheap flight tickets? No worries. I've got you covered.

--你在找便宜的机票吗? 不用担心。我帮你搞定。


Don't worry about it, you're not alone. I've got you covered, I'm on it!



Come on, don't be mad about it, I've got you covered.


当女方正在气头儿上时,与这句"I've got you covered"具有同等效力的还有两个短语,就是:


Just leave it to me.



You name it. (在这儿可真不是让你“起个名字”的意思哈!)

在这里= "I can do anything you name it!"

-- "凡是你说得出的,凡是你能想到的我都能做! (你想要的应有尽有!)"(男同胞们注意了,不到万不得已之时,此句一定慎用,切记,切记......)


I've Got You Covered! 我帮你搞定!



Abigail and Jeremy got divorced about 10 years ago.


Abigail did not want to see a lawyer, worried that it might turn ugly.


So she talked to Jeremy, who agreed that it was a good idea to not use lawyers.


He said not to worry, he would take care of her. She said she wasn't looking for a free ride—she could take care of herself.


But, Jeremy insisted, he would help her out, then or whenever she needed money.


It was the least he could do for her, since she was not taking 50 percent of his income and property.


So, Jeremy gave her $10,000 before they got divorced, because Abigail said that would be all she would need to finish getting her master's degree and start teaching. And that was it.


For the next 10 years after getting her degree, Abigail worked as a teacher. She liked her job and the people she worked with.


Unfortunately, a tornado wiped out the entire school and half the town. Many teachers got laid off. Abigail spent a month visiting family and friends, but then had to find a new job.


She decided to change careers. To do so, she needed to go back to school for two years. Her tuition and living expenses would cost her $25,000.


She called Jeremy. She and Jeremy had remained friendly over the years.


“Jeremy, I need a big favor,” she said over the phone.


“Sure, Abi, you name it,” Jeremy replied agreeably. Jeremy had a great job and a good life.


She told him that she had been laid off, and she needed $25,000 for a degree and a new career.


The friendliness left Jeremy's voice.


She reminded him of his promise ten years ago to help her out whenever she needed it.


“Yeah, Abi, but that was ten years ago. That's history now, right? Have you tried your local bank?”

“是的,艾比,但那都是十年前的事了。已经成为历史了,对吧? 你试过找找当地的银行了吗?”

Practical Word & Expression 实用词语表达

divorced [dɪ'vɔrst]

adj. 离婚的;离异的;表现得不受影响的;脱离…的

v.“divorce”的过去分词和过去式; 与(某人)离婚; 判(某人)离婚; 使分离; 使脱离

free ride [friː raɪd]



wipe [waɪp]



wiped out [ˌwaɪpt ˈaʊt]

adj. 十分疲劳;消灭;歼灭;精疲力竭的;精疲力尽

laid off [leɪd ɔːf]

na. 解雇;关闭;下岗;失业;被解雇;停歇;(临时)解雇期

tuition [tu'ɪʃ(ə)n]

n. (尤指对个人或小组的)教学,讲授,指导,教诲;(尤指大专院校的)学费

agreeably [ə'gri:əbli]

adv. 愉悦地;令人愉快地;惬意地;欣然同意的; 令人赞同的;依照;