中考詞彙短文突破:20.我兒子的問題 附音頻

20. My Son's Questions

Since my son was three years old, he's kept asking me“why?”about everything. Why is the sky

blue? Why are there clouds? Why can't I go outside? Why do I have to be nice? Anyway, I always try my best to answer his questions.

Now my son is ten years old. At this age, the boy is interested in all kinds of things, and he’s got more questions to trouble me Do people in prison celebrate festivals? Why are dogs' noses always wet? Why are women and men's shoe sizes different? ...

These days, the boy shows interest in the facts of life, so I borrowed books from the library and prepared myself for any questions he might ask At the end of our long talk, he still looked confused(迷惑的).“If you have any questions,”I said,“please ask them There are no stupid questions.”

“Well. suppose I was married,”he said with shame,“my wife was going to give birth to a baby, and I had to rush her to the hospital, okay?”

“Yes,”I smiled and encouraged him to continue his question.

Then he asked,“Can go through red lights?”



如今我兒子十歲了。在這個年齡,他對各種事情都感興趣(be interested in),他有更多的問題要麻煩我了。在監獄(prison)裡的人慶祝(celebrate)節日(festival)嗎?狗的鼻子(nose)為什麼總是溼韻(wet)? 女人和男人的鞋碼(shoe size)為什麼不一樣呢?……


“好吧,假設(suppose)我結婚了(married),”他帶著羞愧(with shame)說,“我的妻子要生小孩了,我必須趕緊(rush)將她送到醫院,對嗎?”


然後他問道,“那我能闖紅燈(go through)嗎?”