



"Well, wear a different shirt, then. That one's dirty.

"You can wash it for me,' Hawker said.

"Get lost!' said Jude.

They had dinner, watched television for an hour or two, and then went out. It was a warm night, with a little rain now and then.

London weather,' said Hawker

They found a taxi with a young driver, and got in.

Where to?' said the driver.

We want to go clubbing,' Jude said. Where's the bes place this week? Do you know?"

"Bruno's,' the driver said. 'Or Garcia's, down by the river. Everybody's going there this week.

“OK, let's go!' said Hawker.

They went to Garcia's first, then moved on to Bruno's.

They found Johnny Cook in a third club, called Monty's. It was two o'clock in the morning.

That's him, all right,' Hawker said. Look at his ear. Johnny Cook was tall and thin, with long yellow hair and two black earrings in his left ear.

"Johnny! Johnny Cook!' shouted Jude suddenly. She ran and put her arms round Johnny Cook's neck. Hi Johnny! You remember me-Jude. We met last week, at Garcia's. You remember? Oh, this is my friend Hawker.

"Hi, Johnny. Good to meet you,' said Hawker "Hi,' said Johnny Cook. He looked at Jude. Did we meet at Garcia’s??

"Of course we did,' laughed Jude. 'I was with Sara and Patti and the others, remember?

Oh. Yeah,' said Johnny. I remember.' He looked around. "Are they here tonight?"

“噢,那就换件衬衫吧,你这件脏了。” “那你帮我洗了呗!"霍克说。







“布鲁诺酒吧,”司机回答,“加西亚酒吧也行,就在河下游的岸边。这周人人都去那儿。” “好,就去那儿!"霍克说他们先去加西亚酒吧,然后又赶到布鲁诺酒吧。但他们最后是在一个叫蒙蒂的酒吧找到约翰尼·库克的,而那时已是凌晨两点了。



“约翰尼!约翰尼·库克!"祖德突然大贼,她跑过去搂住约翰尼·库克的脖子, “嗨,约翰尼!还记得我吗?-我是祖德啊。我们是上星期在加西亚认识的,不记得啦?哦,这是我的朋友霍克。” “你好,约翰尼。见到你很高兴。"霍克说。


