




1)作目的狀語:有三種形式,可互換:to do, in order to do, so as to do (不用於句首)

2)作原因狀語:不定式常放在表示情緒反應的形容詞後。如:happy, sorry, glad, sad, surprised, disappointed… 不定式不放在句首。

3) 作結果狀語: 不定式作結果狀語通常表意外的結果。

e.g. I opened the door to find the room empty. 我打開門,結果發現房間是空的。

①. 動詞不定式前可以加上only, 更加強調'意外,想不到'。還可加never, 表示


②. 動詞不定式作結果狀語的其他幾種方式: so + adj. / adv. + as to, such + n. + as to,

too…to , enough to等。

2、分詞 (現在分詞、過去分詞)可作時間、條件、讓步、方式、原因、結果狀語,就不作目的狀語。注:表示時間、條件或讓步的分詞,有時可帶上連詞(if, unless, when, while, once(一旦) though, although)

即:尋找句子主語 琢磨主語與非謂語動詞的關係,主動doing, 被動done ,先於謂語動詞用having done/having been done


①to do 作結果狀語表出乎意料

②doing 作結果狀語表順其自然

They lifted a rock only to drop it on their own feet.

It rained heavily, causing severe flooding.



doing 1、作動名詞講時做定語表示用途。比如、living room, swimming pool.

2、作現在分詞講時,所修飾名詞或代詞與其是一種主謂(主動)關係,有時還表進行。如; falling leaves

done(過去分詞) 表示被動(與所修飾的詞是動賓關係)或完成。如;fallen leaves

being done 現在分詞的被動結構,表是正在被……只做後置定語,即放在所修飾名詞之後 。如;the bridge being built

to do (to be done)動詞不定式做定語常表示將來,有主動與被動兩種形式。

1、 所修飾的詞與不定式動作是一種被動關係這時注意選擇是用to do ,還是to be done.

1、I have a lot of readings to complete before the end of this term.

2、His first book to be published next month is based on a true story.

2、所修飾的詞與不定式是是一種主謂(主動)關係,這些詞前面常常有 the first ,the second, the last, the next, the only等修飾。

3.與所修飾的詞一種同位關係,這些詞通常是ability, way, chance, right, reason, need, wish等。the way to learn English







His first book published last month is based on a true story.

②being done(正在進行的被動)

His first book being published now is based on a true story.

③to be done(將要發生的被動)

His first book to be published next month is based on a true story.


考點一 感官動詞 see/ watch /observe/look at/hear/listen to/notice等

1. 賓語與補語之間是主動關係

See sb do sth(動作全過程)

See sb doing sth (動作正在進行)


See sth done (被動完成)

See sth being done(被動進行)

考點二 let的複合結構 :

1 Let + 賓語+ do 讓...做...

2 Let + 賓語+ be + done 讓...被...

考點三 leave 的複合結構 ,意為 :使。。。處於某種狀態

1 leave sb doing sth 讓某人一直...


It's wrong of you to leave the machine running

2 leave sb to do sth 留下某人去做某事


He left , leaving me to do all the work .

3 leave sth to be done 留下某事要做


We hurriedly ended our meeting, leaving our problems to be settled .

4 leave sth undone 留下某事未作 (


表示被動和完成。常見的賓補動詞有 undone/unfinished/unsettled/untouched等)

考點四 have / get "使、讓、叫

1 have/get sth done 使/讓某事由別人做(叫/讓某人做某事)

2 have sb do sth = get sb to do sth 使/讓某人去做某事

3 have sb/sth doing 使...持續地...= keep sb /sth doing .

4 get sb/sth doing 使某人/某物開始。。

考點五 make +賓語+do /done

考點六 下列動詞和動詞詞組常用不定式做賓補,

即"動詞/動詞詞組+sb +to do sth "


forbid/force/get/intend/invite/order/want/ warn

其它 keep sb doing/keep sth done

with +賓語+補語(doing/done/to do)


be addicted to…沉迷於……

be absorbed in…全神貫注於……

be aimed at…旨在/意圖……

be armed with…有……裝備

be buried in…埋葬在……

be based on/upon…以 ……為基礎

be burdened with…擔負著……

be crowded with…擠滿了……

be covered with/by…覆蓋著……

be coated with…塗抹了……

be combined with…與……聯合

be compared with…與……相比較

be caught in…陷入……

be lost in…沉迷於……

be concerned about…關心……

be dressed in…穿著……

be devoted to…專心致志於……

be divided into…分成(幾份/幾組)

be designed/meant/intended for…專為……而設計

be engaged in…忙於……

be engaged to sb.與某人訂婚

be fixed on…專注於 ……

be faced with…面臨著……

be filled with…裝滿了……

be greeted with…受到了……問候

be grown up 已經長大了

be hidden in…躲在……

be linked to…與……有關

be connected with…與……相連/有關

be made of/from/up of 由……製成/由……組成

be known as/for/to…以……著稱/因……著名

be recovered from…從……中康復

be loaded with…載有……

be located in/on/at…位於……

be married (to sb.)與某人結婚

be paved with…鋪著……

be replaced with…更換為……

be related to/with…與……有關

be separated from…與……隔開

be shouldered with…肩負著……

be stationed in…駐紮在……

be surrounded with/by…四周環繞著……

