

1. Absolutely!一點兒沒錯!

- Are you sure of this?

- Absolutely!

2. Amazing!不可思議!

- He lost 10 kilograms in a month.

- Amazing!

3. Deal.就這麼定了。

- I’ll do the dishes if you clean the table.

- Deal.

4. Nonsense.胡說八道。

- I saw you fight with others last night.

- Nonsense. I was at home.

5. Objection.我反對。

- Is everyone in favour of the plan?

- Objection!

6. Yes?有事嗎?

- Excuse me, sir.

- Yes?

7. Cheer up!振作起來!

- Troubles will soon be over. Cheer up!

- I will. Don’t worry about me.

8. Good job!做得好!

- Mum, I won the first prize!

- Good job, my boy!

9. Guess what?你猜怎麼著?

- Guess what? Lucy was fired.

- Why? She’s been working hard.

10. Have fun!玩得開心啊!

- We’re going to have a picnic.

- Have fun!

11. Never mind.別在意。

- Sorry! I broke your glass.

- Never mind. I have new one.

12. Not bad.還不錯。

- How was the concert?

- Not bad.

13. Nothing much.沒什麼;還是老樣子。

-What have you been doing?

- Nothing much.

14. Watch out!當心!

- Watch out! Don’t play with the knife.

- I just want to put it away.

15. Who cares?管它呢。

- I don’t think he can win.

- Who cares? I have no interest.

16. You bet!當然;一定!

- Are you going to the match?

- You bet!

17. Count me in.算我一個。

- Do you want to go hiking with us?

- OK, count me in.

18. Don’t be silly.別犯傻了。

- I’m on a diet.

- Don’t be silly. You’re skinny!

19. Drop by sometime.有時間來串門兒吧。

- Thanks for the dinner. Bye.

- Drop by sometime.

20. It won’t work.這樣行不通。

- It’s a brilliant idea, isn’t it?

- I don’t think so. It won’t work.

21. Let’s go Dutch.我們各付各的吧。

- The lunch is on me.

- No, let’s go Dutch.

22. Time is up.時間快到了。

- Time is up. Have you finished?

- Not yet.

23. Use your head.動動腦子吧。

- What should I do next?

- Don’t ask me. Use your head.

24. What a mess!太亂了!

- What a mess! Tidy your room right now.

- I got it, Mum.

25. You got it.你說對了!

- Are you going to Hawaii?

-You got it. I’ll go there for vacation.

26. Are you kidding me?你跟我開玩笑嗎?

- Tom said he loved you.

- Are you kidding me? Impossible!

27. He always talks big.他總愛吹牛。

- I don’t like Tony.

- Me neither. He always talks big.

28. He is a nuisance.他特別招人討厭。

- Do you like to invite Tom?

- Oh, no. He is a nuisance.

29. I didn’t mean that.我不是那個意思。

- I’m sorry, but I didn’t mean that.

- It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.

30. It’s up to you.由你決定。

- What are we going to do?

- It’s up to you.


