地道美語!英語 You can't go number two, 你不能去二號?

地道美語!英語 You can't go number two, 你不能去二號?

number two: a word meaning solid waste from your bowels, used especially with children to avoid saying this “二號”〔指大便,尤用於對孩子的婉轉說法〕

number one:a word meaning urine, used especially with children to avoid saying this “一號”〔指小便,尤用於對孩子的婉轉說法〕

所以number one就是我們上廁所的時候委婉說的小號,number two 就是大號;

地道美語!英語 You can't go number two, 你不能去二號?

hustle 美 ['hʌsl]:to do something with a lot of energy and determination 拼命幹,努力幹

Cindy’s not a great player, but she really hustles. 辛迪不能算是一位很優秀的球員,但是她非常努力。----有道英語

"I don't think we hustle, Neil. Hustle means to work aggressively to make money." (我覺得我們不,Neil. Hustle是指為了賺錢而使勁工作)----BBC 6 Minute English

地道美語!英語 You can't go number two, 你不能去二號?

swipe 美 [swaɪp]: (非正式) to steal something 偷竊

The photos were probably swiped by an employee. 這些照片很可能是被哪個員工偷走了。----有道英語,就類似於我們漢語中不說偷走而說順手牽羊,順走了。

地道美語!英語 You can't go number two, 你不能去二號?

soothing 美 ['sʊðɪŋ]: 撫慰的

“Has anybody ever told you how soothing your voice is?" (有沒有人說過你的聲音好撫慰人心)----美劇《熟女鎮》

That's all for today

March 22, 2018. XOXO

地道美語!英語 You can't go number two, 你不能去二號?

