英文美句:Sometimes, silence hurts more than words.

I just want someone who will understand me even when no words are spoken. 我希望有一個人會懂我,即使我什麼都沒說。

The only people you need in your life are the ones who need you in theirs. 需要你的人,才是你需要的人。

英文美句:Sometimes, silence hurts more than words.

Everyone wants to escape sometimes. 每個人都有想逃避的時候。

It's tough when someone special starts to ignore you, but it's even tougher to pretend that you don't care. 被特別在乎的人忽略,會很難過,而更難過的是你還要裝作你不在乎。

英文美句:Sometimes, silence hurts more than words.

All I want is a simple love. 我想要的只是一份簡簡單單的愛。

Sometimes, silence hurts more than words. 有時候,沉默比語言更傷人。

英文美句:Sometimes, silence hurts more than words.

I held tight to the world, but rejected. If I had saved the effort, would the pain be less? 我用力抓緊世界,最終卻仍被世界淘汰。如果一開始就鬆手,我的痛苦會不會少些。

Please calm down, and think about what you really want. 請安靜下來,想想什麼是你真正想要的。

英文美句:Sometimes, silence hurts more than words.

When you’re happy, you enjoy the music. But when you’re sad, you understand the lyrics. 當你開心的時候,你是在享受音樂。但當你悲傷的時候,你會明瞭歌詞的含義。

Stop judging others by what you see. Because, what you see is what they want you to see. 不要以你所見去評判別人。因為,你看見的,只是他們想讓你看到的。


