你知道全英式早餐(a Full Breakfast)都吃些什麼嗎?


你知道全英式早餐(a Full Breakfast)都吃些什麼嗎?

1、什麼是全英式早餐(What is a Full English Breakfast)?

Throughout Britain and Ireland, the Full breakfast is famous. It is not now eaten every day but saved for weekends and vacations. The term full comes from the fact the breakfast is, well, full of different food stuff as you can read about below. Full Breakfast is served, as you would expect at breakfast time but is also popular at throughout the day, often replacing lunch. Rarely is it eaten every day of the week, reserved instead for the weekend or on vacation in hotels and Bed and Breakfasts, where no stay would be complete without one.


你知道全英式早餐(a Full Breakfast)都吃些什麼嗎?

Breakfast may begin with orange juice, cereals, stewed or fresh fruits but the heart of the Full breakfast is bacon and eggs, variously accompanied by sausages, grilled tomato, mushrooms, tea, toast, and marmalade.


Each country in the UK and Ireland also have their choice of accompaniments; it is up to the individual just how much they want on their plate and their preferences. You may find the following:


  • A Full English Breakfast may have Black Pudding, Baked Beans, and Fried Bread. (英格蘭地區可能有黑布丁、烤蠶豆、炸麵包)

  • A Full Scottish, as above but may also have, Potato Scones (Tattie Scones), Haggis and Oatcakes.(蘇格蘭地區除此之外,可能還有土豆餅、肉餡羊肚和燕麥硬餅)

  • A Full Irish – Again, as above but may also have Soda Bread.(愛爾蘭地區除此之外,可能還有蘇打麵包)

  • A Full Welsh – Laver bread or laver cakes. These are neither bread or cakes but made with seaweed, the cakes seaweed cooked with oatmeal.(威爾士地區除此之外,還有紫菜麵包)

  • An Ulster Fry is not dissimilar to a Full English but may also have soda bread and is served again, throughout the day.(阿爾斯特早餐跟愛爾蘭地區的很像,常伴有蘇打麵包,全天供應)

你知道全英式早餐(a Full Breakfast)都吃些什麼嗎?

2、全英式早餐的別名(Other Names for Breakfast)

Though a ‘Full Breakfast’ is universally known and understood other terms used include - A Fry Up, A Full Monty, and in Ireland, it is sometimes referred to as a Chub.

全英式早餐又叫Fry Up、Full Monty或Chub(愛爾蘭地區)。

And to drink?

A cup of tea is a popular and traditional drink with breakfast, as is coffee.


你知道全英式早餐(a Full Breakfast)都吃些什麼嗎?

3、更多英國傳統早餐的食物(Other Popular Dishes for a Traditional Breakfast)

As if all that food isn't enough according to a recent report from Market Kitchen there are up to 40 interchangeable items in a British and Irish breakfast:

據Market Kitchen的調研,全英式早餐中有40多種食材可供選擇。

Sausages, bacon, eggs (scrambled/buttered/rumbled/poached egg/fried), black pudding, eggy bread, crumpets, kippers, bubble and squeak, jolly boys (pancakes), onions (fried or rings) corned beef hash, devilled kidneys, kedgeree, omelette, fried bread, toast, Derbyshire oatcakes, English muffins, tomatoes (grilled, fried), mushrooms, hash browns, baked beans, potato scones/tattie scones, Arbroath smokies, bannocks, butteries/rowies (lard-based bread roll), herring, haggis, Lorne (square Scottish) sausage, laver bread, Penclawdd cockles, Glamorgan (vegetarian) sausage, Crempog (Welsh pancakes), wheaten bread, potato farl and potato pancakes.


你知道全英式早餐(a Full Breakfast)都吃些什麼嗎?

【注】以上內容原作者為Elaine Lemm。



