


边桥谜案(The Bridge

排名第一的就是《The Bridge》 。对于这部剧大家可能还比较少听说,但是这部剧在国外可是十分热门!!今年5月已经要出第四季啦!这是2013年出品的悬疑美剧,剧情也是各种谍影重重。这部《The Bridge》也是根据《Broen》进行改编,故事主要讲述的是美国侦探和墨西哥侦探进行查案、追凶的故事。听说,第四季的剧情更加惊险重重,吊足了英国人的胃口。

The hit Scandinavian crime drama returns for its final crossing in season four, as we join Saga Norén (Sofia Helin) and Henrik Sabroe (Thure Lindhardt) almost two years later, to discover that a woman has been found brutally murdered at the base of the resund Bridge – it transpires that she is the director at the migration agency in Copenhagen and the killer’s motive may lie in a recent deportation scandal.


Brutally ['brʊtli] adv. 残忍地、野蛮地。


雨(The Rain

看来惊险剧已经是5月的BBC主打电视剧了。对于这部《The Rain》的影视剧,可能就更少人知道了。听名字很像一部爱情生活美剧,其实这是一部末日影视剧。在此之前,相信不少人都看过《行尸走肉》 、《劫数》等末日题材的美剧了,是不是被里面的惊险剧情也牢牢吸引住了目光?而这部《The Rain》的美剧也是以末日题材为主,主要讲述了世界末日六年后,人类的踪迹已经难以寻找,而末日的降雨已经是十分恐怖的一件事,因为这些雨滴是携带了可怕的病毒!!此剧于5月4日正式在Netflix首映!期待期待!

It rains a lot in Denmark – about every other day in fact. Could you imagine anything more frightening for Danes than a brutal virus carried by the droplets falling from above? Joining a group of young survivors, they set out on a journey searching for life through an abandoned Scandinavia, with the freedom to be who they want to be – but in their struggle for survival, the group discover that even post-apocalypse there’s still many of the coming-of-age dilemmas they thought they’d left behind with the disappearance of the world as they knew it. Watch the trailer here. Premieres 4 May on Netflix.


post-apocalypse n. 后末日故事。


梅尔罗斯(Patrick Melrose

对于这部剧的主角,相信大家都不会觉得陌生了,这是卷福的迷你剧《Patrick Melrose》 。早在2013年,卷福自己就谈及过他最想扮演的文学角色就是Patrick Melrose. 这部剧主要讲述的是主角从小就受到家人的不公平对待,长大后经历了痛苦的转变之旅,最终克服困境,恢复到健康人生的故事。卷福在里面的演技也是让人不得不赞叹,这部剧的首映式在5月12日,期待快点更新到国内!

Over five distinct episodes we follow our troubled hero through decades and across the world as he undertakes a humorous and harrowing journey – from his childhood in the south of France, through a downward spiral of substance abuse in New York, to his ultimate return to Britain. Allison Williams (Girls) and Jennifer Jason Leigh co-star. Watch the trailer here. Premieres 12 May on Showtime and 13 May on Sky Atlantic.


Harrowing ['hærəʊɪŋ] adj. v. n. 痛心的、悲惨的、使痛苦。



相信不少人都看过这部小说《Sweetbitter》,这是美国新锐作家斯蒂芬妮•丹勒(Stephanie Danler)的作品。而这部剧就是根据这部作品拍摄而成,剧情主要讲的是一个22岁的女主角Tess希望获得新的经验,她在曼哈顿城的一家高级餐厅找到一份服务生的工作,并感受到了不同的友谊。(这部剧单看颜值已经让不少人心动了....)这也算的上是英国人喜欢的生活剧了,慢节奏的方式也是极具美感。

Based on the best-selling novel by Stephanie Danler, Sweetbitter tells the coming-of-age story of Tess (Churchill’s Ella Purnell), a 22-year-old who arrives in New York thirsty for new experience and lands a job at one of the city’s top restaurants. Thinking she’s found a steady income and a safe place to wait, Tess is quickly intoxicated by a wild world of expensive wine, drugs, fine dining and exploring dive bars.


Exploring [ɪk'splor] adj. v. 探索的、探测的、扫描、探险。






