







孫宇晨在推文種列舉了七個原因,宣稱TRON比以太坊(ETH)更好。 其中包括:TRON每秒10,000筆交易,ETH只能處理25筆交易、TRX不收取額外費用,而ETH的費用相當高等。






為了確保主網順利上線,波場TRON近期在進行測試,目前來看一切順利。以太坊的創始人Vitalik Buterin對TRON的主網上線提出了許多疑問,他表示波場TRON的項目沒有靈魂。但是,波場TRON社區的許多人認為他發出此言的原因在於如果TRON的項目取得成功,ETH將會有很大的損失。








Reasons Why TRON (TRX) is Expected to Shine

Despite a large amount of turbulence that has been hitting the crypto market ever since the beginning of the year, a lot of coins seem to have been experiencing a rise in value. One crypto that seems to be trying whatever it can to ensure its way to success is definitely TRON (TRX). This crypto has a lot going on, and many believe that it will steal the spotlight by the end of this year.

Is TRX better than ETH?

TRON’s price is nowhere near the value that it has a potential to achieve, but a lot of its supporters are convinced that it is only a matter of time before this crypto shines. It’s CEO, Justin Sun, constantly reminds TRX’s community that big things are coming, and is sure that TRON’s rank on the crypto market will drastically improve.

Sun has even gone as far as to claim that TRON is better than Ethereum (ETH). He said so in a tweet where he lists seven reasons why this is true. His reasons include comparing TRON’s 10,000 transactions per second, where ETH can only handle 25. He also pointed out that TRX does not charge additional fees, while ETH has some pretty high ones. The list goes on, and it has actually enraged many who saw the tweet.

A lot of users felt like TRON’s CEO is degrading ETH, which provided a lot of support for this crypto ever since it first came to be. Others have accused TRON of having a copied whitepaper, and that Sun’s analysis of the two cryptos is extremely one-sided.

Can TRON really stand above other cryptos?

The answer here is probably yes. Or, at the very least, TRON has a potential to do so.

There are multiple aspects that build up that potential, and TRON’s soon-to-be-launched MainNet is definitely the biggest one. The launch is expected to be in a little more than a week, scheduled for May 31. Once the MainNet is up and running, all of TRON’s tokens will migrate from ERC20 to TRX, which is expected to be done by June 21.

TRON has already tested this concept by recently launching a TestNet. The test was made mostly to confirm the soon launch of MainNet, and all seems to be going well for this crypto. There were doubts regarding the MainNet, and a lot of them came from Ethereum’s very own founder, Vitalik Buterin. He even stated that TRON’s project has no soul, but many in TRON’s community believe that he said so because ETH has a lot to lose if TRON’s project turns out to be successful.

One thing is certain, and that is the fact that MainNet’s launch will make it the biggest dApp platform on a global scale. All of TRON’s previously built dApps will also migrate from Ethereum, and TRON will become its serious competition. It is no secret that Sun wishes to create an ecosystem larger than the one Ethereum has. And it will probably manage to do so with ease since it already has 100 million dApp users.

TRON’s team and popularity are growing

Another reason why TRON has a lot of potential is its development team. The team started small, of course, but it managed to grow to a hundred people over time. Also, these are no ordinary developers, and many of them came from Tencent, Alibaba, and Amazon, which are all very reputable and prestigious companies. They are among those who rule the Internet these days, and if their developers have joined TRON, then that is proof enough that the team knows what it is doing.

TRON’s popularity is also a very big part of why it can achieve even more success. It is accepted by 37 exchanges and has managed to enter 7 fiat trading pairs. Most of the mainstream exchanges are expected to list TRX as well, probably as soon as the MainNet proves its worth.

However, there is also the issue of marketing, and Justin Sun has proved to be pretty cunning when it comes to this. One of TRON’s innovations is the announcement of an airdrop consisting of 30 million TRX tokens that TRON is planning to release to ETH’s community. TRON has stated that this is to be done in order for the crypto to show its gratitude for ETH’s support during the ERC20 phase. However, many believe that this act has an alternative goal, which is to give ETH’s community a taste of what TRX has to offer.

If they experience the new form of decentralization that TRON is offering, and become convinced of TRON’s superiority, ETH will quickly start losing its support.

So, yes, TRON definitely has a potential to achieve greatness once the MainNet is launched. Many believe that it will stand above all other cryptos someday, or at the very least, become ETH’s equal.



孫宇晨,1990年生,美國常青藤盟校賓夕法尼亞大學碩士,北京大學學士,前Ripple大中華區首席代表,波場TRON創始人,移動社交應用陪我APP創始人兼CEO。2011年亞洲週刊封面人物,2014年達沃斯論壇全球傑出青年。2015 CNTV中國互聯網年度新銳人物,2015年成為湖畔大學首批學員中唯一90後學員,2015/2016/2017福布斯中國30位30歲以下創業者。

波場TRON創始人孫宇晨(Justin Sun)與波場TRON北京辦公室平均年齡26歲的108位同事合照展示。目前波場TRON經過八個月的發展,已經快速成為全球增長最為強勁,擴張最為迅速的區塊鏈團隊之一,波場TRON團隊目前仍然保持著每天發出一個新Offer的節奏,預計今年年底,波場全球團隊人數就將超過以太坊團隊,突破四百人,2019年將突破一千人!

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