











They said the same thing roughly a decade ago and here we are. India has its own issues they really need address quickly and it's not about competing with China. Pitching India against China serves' no one's interest but the West.



Now if they can just maintain that 7.5% for twenty years, they might just catch up to where China is (at the moment).


[–]lvreddit1077United States

India's growth rate should be higher because it has a much smaller economy and much more room to grow. China already went through its massive growth spurt.



isn't China's year on year growth in absolute terms larger than the entire Indian economy in nominal terms? That's like Mozambique posting 20% growth rates and saying they are growing faster than China?



isn't China's year on year growth in absolute terms larger than the entire Indian economy in nominal terms?

Definitely not. The Indian economy is about 22% of the size of China's, so China would need to be growing at 22% every year for your statement to be true.



The Indian economy will almost certainly overtake the Chinese economy in the coming decades



I dont give a fuck about narrative really, I like to think about reality. Reality is that the Chinese economy is weak now, plagued by inflation, low wages, and lots of other fun stuff



Ironically, having inflation indicates a strong, healthy economy. Wages in relative terms is almost irrelevant to how an economy is doing, and wages in China are certainly much higher in India. In fact, if anything, rising wages would be what is damaging the economy for China. What you said isn't reality, nor economically accurate.



China's rival is USA, not india. India can't even make their own electronics other than assembling them from Chinese parts. So I'm not concerned about this ""rival" lmbo.

Also %%%'s of economic growth for poor countries (India is as poor as Africa) don't matter. You have to look at aggregate growth. China is still adding many times over yearly to their economy what India is adding.

After they learn to use toilets and start manufacturing my iphone you can talk about india again. *Mic drop*



Countries living in glass houses or undergoing ‘toilet revolutions’ should not throw stones.


[–]D-E-S-I-G-N-A-T-E-D 0

India is still picking low hanging fruit at the moment, China was growing at 15% when it was picking the same low hanging fruit. Also 6.9% of 14 trillion is more then 7.7% of 2.5 trillion.



The Chinese economy will grow by a trillion dollars in 2018, and is creating 1 india every 3 years. Meanwhile India will grow 200 billion, and create 1 Year of chinese growth in 4-5 years. The gap is widening not closing, it's only the rate at which it is widening that is decreasing.



Frankly I have no idea why you would be downvoted for simply putting the numbers in perspective. Someone must really hate math during school years eh?


