
1、 嫦娥四號任務搭載沙特相機雨海局部影像圖

1. Chang 'E-4 mission Image from “Mare Imbrium” Area captured by Saudi Lunar Remote Sensing Payload.

雨海局部影像圖由嫦娥四號任務龍江二號微衛星搭載的沙特相機拍攝,經幾何配準處理後製作而成。成像時間為北京時2018年5月30日4時38分,探測器距離月面約351.5千米,像元分辨率約28米。影像圖位於雨海西南部,中心位置為西經36°41′,北緯22°57′,寬約30.5千米,長約57.1千米。該區域表面較平坦,分佈有小型環形坑,其中最大的環形坑直徑約1.9千米。影像圖右下角較為明顯的月貌特徵為佈雷利月溪(Rima Brayley)的局部,在影像圖中的長度約為36.2千米。

The Image of the “Mare Imbrium” area was taken by the Saudi Lunar Remote Sensing Payload which was onboard the “Longjiang” microsatellite of Chang 'E-4 mission, and was made after geometric calibration processing. The imaging time was 04:38 on May 30, 2018. The altitude is about 351.5 km away from the lunar surface and has a pixel resolution of about 28 meters. The image is located in the southwest of the “Mare Imbrium” with a central point of longitude 36 °41’ W, latitude 22°57’ N, with a width of about 30.5 km and a length of about 57.1 km. The surface of the area is relatively flat with small craters, the largest of which is about 1.9 km in diameter. In the lower right corner of the image, the most obvious feature of the moon is the part of Rima Brayley, which is about 36.2km in length in the image.

2、 嫦娥四號任務搭載沙特相機地月合影圖

2.Chang 'E-4 mission Earth-Moon Full Image captured by Saudi Lunar Remote Sensing Payload.

(1)合影1 Photo-1

影像由嫦娥四號任務龍江二號微衛星搭載的沙特相機拍攝,成像時間為北京時2018年6月5日23時57分,衛星軌道高度約1598.3km,星下點月面位置為西經162°13’,北緯21°27’。成像時相機指向地心,拍攝到的月面影像位於月球背面北半球韋格納環形坑(Crater Wegener)附近。

The Image of the Earth-Moon Full Image was taken by the Saudi Lunar Remote Sensing Payload which was onboard the “Longjiang” microsatellite of Chang 'E-4 mission. The image was taken at 23:57 Beijing time on June 5, 2018. The satellite's orbital altitude was about 1598.3 km, and the position of the moon below the satellite was 162 °13 °W and 21 °27'N. As the camera points to the center of the earth, the moon is photographed near the crater Wegenera in the northern hemisphere on the back of the moon.

(2)合影2 Photo -2

影像由嫦娥四號任務龍江二號微衛星搭載的沙特相機拍攝,成像時間為北京時2018年6月8日13時29分,衛星軌道高度約728.1km,星下點月面位置為西經149°1’,北緯22°28’。成像時相機指向地心,拍攝到的月面影像位於月球背面北半球彼得羅帕夫洛夫斯基M環形坑(Crater Petropavlovskiy M)附近。從拍攝到的地球圖像上可以清晰地分辨出波斯灣、紅海、地中海和阿拉伯半島等區域。

The Image of the Earth-Moon Full Image was taken by the Saudi Lunar Remote Sensing Payload which was onboard the “Longjiang” microsatellite of Chang 'E-4 mission. The image was taken at 13:29 Beijing time on June 8, 2018. The satellite's orbital altitude was about 728.1km, and the position of the moon's surface below the satellite was 149 °1o W and 22 °28'N. When imaging, the camera pointed to the center of the earth, and the images of the lunar surface are located near crater Petropavlovskiy M in the northern hemisphere of Petro Pavlovsky M on the back of the moon. Areas such as the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and the Arabian Peninsula can be clearly identified from the images taken of the Earth.




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