

Qianlong tongbao was also a kind of money for the five emperors of the qing dynasty. The money for the five emperors of the qing dynasty refers to the money made during the reign of the five most prosperous emperors of the qing dynasty (shun zhi, kangxi, yongzheng, qianlong and jiaqing). Ancient Chinese people have always used ancient COINS to ward off evil spirits. History, the square hole tongbao money, regardless of the size, hung in the red line between the neck, the implication of taking copper money through the hands of tens of thousands of people, a collection of a hundred families of Yang qi, can resist evil spirits.


In addition, qianlong tongbao is also a kind of year money, which is named after the emperor. : money is a type of the square hole in the Chinese ancient COINS, including title, plus two words: money - money class title, plus treasure class title, and the title title title, add different money (also called number money) title, add back pence branches such as treasure.

目前就有這樣一枚乾隆通寶 展現在國內知名藝術網站上—世紀收藏網。 此枚銅幣錢面文字寫有"乾隆通寶"四個大字,其字從上而下,右而左直讀,字形大小適中,佈局協調,筆劃橫直豎立,整體書相端莊自然。黃銅質,包漿入骨,穿口微呈四決,字廓深峻,錢文端莊凝重,筆力道健。舊氣特徵明顯,品相一流。

At present, there is such a qianlong tongbao in the domestic famous art website - century collection net. The surface of the coin money written "qianlong TongBao" four characters, the word from the top down, right and left direct reading, the font size is moderate, layout coordination, stroke with erect, elegant natural whole book. It is made of yellow copper, which is covered with thick paste and bone, and has a small mouth shape of four points. Old gas features obvious, quality first class.


