
北美週六,黑豹北美票房正式超越復仇者聯盟的6.234億,坐上北美超 級 英雄電影票房第一把交椅

The Disney and Marvel release achieved the milestone on Saturday after passing up fellow Marvel title The Avengers, which grossed $623.4 million in 2012. To boot, Black Panther is only one of seven films to ever earn $600 million or more domestically (it currently ranks No. 6 on the list).


$16.65M Weekend (Est.)

3,370 Screens / $4,943 Avg.

Weekend 6 / -37.4% Change

$630.91M Total (North America)

《黑豹》北美破6.31億美元,超越《復盟1》成北美影第一英超​北美週六,黑豹正式超越星球大戰8和復仇者聯盟,成為北美票房歷史第5名。在黑豹前面只有四個更變 態的票房數字了。

Today Black Panther will pass Star Wars: The Last Jedi and Marvel's The Avengers to move into 5th place on the all-time domestic list


