






機場英語Do you know where the check in counter is?你知道值機櫃臺在哪裡嗎?Can I have a window seat, please?可以給我一個靠窗的位子嗎?I would like to check in my luggage.我想要托運行李。Can I take this through security?這個可以通過安檢嗎?Where is the restroom?洗手間在哪?How many hours are we behind schedule?我們延誤多長時間?What gate does the flight board at?這班飛機要到哪一個登機門登機?Would you mind trading seats with me?你介意和我換座嗎?Where is the safety belt?安全帶在哪裡?May I have a blanket/a pillow/a headset/a pair of slippers?請給我一條毛毯/一個枕頭/一副耳機/一雙拖鞋好嗎?Could you lend me a pen to fill out this immigration form?可以給我一支筆填入境表嗎?

換匯英語Could you tell me what the exchange rate for __?請問現在__(貨幣)匯率是多少?Where can I change money?我要哪裡換錢?Where is the ATM?哪裡有自助取款機?Could I have a receipt,please?可以麻煩給我收據嗎?I'd like some small change.請將大鈔換成零錢。

交通英語Is there an airport bus to the city center?這裡有從機場去市中心的巴士嗎?Where is the bus stop / taxi stand?公車站 / 出租車招呼站在哪裡 ?How long does it take to go to ____?到 ____需要多長時間? How much does it cost to the city center by taxi?乘計程車到市中心需要多少錢?Take me to ___ / this address, please. 請載我去(景點) / 地址。Stop here, please.請在這裡停車。 Keep the change, please.不用找錢了。

住宿英語I’d like to reserve a room of one / a single room. 我想要預訂一間單人房。 I’d like to cancel a reservation, for the travel schedule has been changed. 是這樣的。我想取消已經預訂的房間,因為旅遊計劃有所改變。What are the room rates? 房價多少?Does the room have Internet access?房間有網絡嗎?I world like to have a morning call / wake-up call at 7:00 in the morning.我想要早上7點的起床叫醒電話。I'd like to check out and finalize my bill.我要退房和結賬。

用餐英語 I have a reservation at 18:30.我今天晚上6:30有訂位。 May we have a table by the window, please?可以給我們一個靠窗的桌子嗎?May I have a menu, please?請給我菜單What kind of dish is most popular here?這裡最受歡迎的餐點是什麼呢?Excuse me, we’re ready to order.不好意思,我們可以點餐了。 Excuse me. Would you please show me where the restroomis?不好意思,可以告訴我廁所在哪裡嗎?We are ready for the bill now.我們要買單。Can I pay with this credit card?可以用這張信用卡付帳嗎?

購物英語Excuse me. Is there any discount on ___?請問 ___(物品)現在有打折嗎?How about a discount?打個折吧?Still too expensive. Give me a better discount.還是太貴了,再便宜一點吧!I wear size M.我穿M碼的。Can I try this on?我可以試穿這個嗎?Do you have this in another color? / Does this comein any other colors?這個有別的顏色嗎?What would you recommend for a gift for myboyfriend?什麼禮物你推薦我送男朋友?The fit isn’t good.尺寸不太合適。 Is this tax-free?這免稅嗎? Where is the checkout counter?結帳櫃檯在哪裡?

拍照英語Excuse me, could you help us take a picture?不好意思,可以幫我們拍張照嗎?Could you take a picture of me with the __?可以幫我跟(某景點)合照嗎?Sorry, but I just blinked… can you take another one, please?不好意思,我剛剛眨眼了,能再幫我拍一張嗎?That's a good one! Thank you for the help!這張拍得好好,謝謝!

