



Auction theme: St. John's International 2018 UAE Dubai Art Sale


Category of auction: Coin. porcelain. Jade. Painting. Miscellaneous



Painting, oil painting, calligraphy, carving, ceramics, porcelain, jade, jade, jade, sculpture, purple sand, stone, seal, Shoushan stone, bloodstone, inkstone, gold and silverware, watches, four treasures, Buddha, souvenirs, miscellaneous treasures.



Auction house: Saint John International Auction Co., Ltd.






● The company dedicated to filming and bidding both parties to provide quality services, welcomed the inquiry.

● booking global VIP buyers arrive, about 400-600 people.

● buyers from around the world, important buyers from the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Asia, the Americas, Europe.

● Chinese art collection hot, attracting global buyers investment boom, more and more collection army into the art market



Dubai (in Arabic: د ب ي, English: Dubai), united Arab emirates is the most populous city in the Middle East economic and financial center, is also the richest city in the Middle East, known as the Middle East and north Africa are of the "trade".




Dubai is located in the middle of the Arabian peninsula and the southern bank of the Arabian gulf, and is the center of the gulf region. Across the south Asian subcontinent, it borders Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Oman.

Dubai is 3,980 square kilometers, accounting for 5.8 percent of the uae's total, making it the second-largest emirate after ABU dhabi in area. Major pillar industries include logistics, trade, finance, and tourism. It has a population of 2.622 million (in 2014), accounting for 41.9 percent of the country's population, making it the most populous emirate. Economic power in the united Arab emirates dubai, also ranked the first, concentrated in dubai, united Arab emirates (uae) about 70% of non-oil trade so traditionally known as the "trade" in the united Arab emirates dubai, also is the economic and financial center in the Middle East.


迪拜擁有世界上第一家七星級酒店(帆船酒店) 、世界最高的摩天大樓(哈利法塔)、全球最大的購物中心(迪拜世界貿易中心)、世界最大的室內滑雪場(阿聯酋貿),重要的貿易港口(Jebel Ali港、Rashid港),和著名的迪拜國際金融中心(DIFC)。伴隨著眾多產業龐大的建設開發,迪拜以其活躍的房地產、賽事、會談等,這些近乎世界紀錄的特色吸引了全世界的目光,使得迪拜幾乎成了奢華的代名詞。

Dubai has the world's first seven-star hotel (sailing hotel), the world's tallest building (khalifa), the world's largest shopping center (dubai world trade center), the world's largest indoor ski resort (the united Arab emirates (uae) trade), an important trade port (Jebel Ali port, Rashid port), and the famous the dubai international financial centre (DIFC). With numerous industry large construction and development, with its active real estate, dubai event, meeting, etc., this almost attracted a world record for the feature of the eyes of the world, makes dubai almost became a synonym for luxury.



