
一、Chinese Traditional Festivals in Lunar Calendar:

1. Chinese New Year’s Eve (Dec,30th)除夕

2. New Year’s Day /Spring Festival(Jan.1st) 新年春節

3. Lantern festival (Jan. 15th) 元宵節

4. Dragon Heads-raising Day(Feb, 2nd)春龍節、龍抬頭、春耕節

5. Shangsi Festival (Mar. 3rd)上巳節

6. Cold Food Festival (the day before Tomb -Sweeping Day)寒食節

7. Tomb Sweeping Day/Ching Ming festival(Apr, 5th)清明節

8. Dragon Boat Festival(May, 5th)端午節


delicious Zong Zi

9. Double Seventh Day(July, 7th) 七夕節、乞巧節

10. Spirit/ Ghost Festival(July, 15th)中元節、鬼節

11. Mid-Autumn Day (Aug, 15th)中秋節

12. Double-Ninth Festival (Sept. 9th)重陽節

13. Laba Rice Porridge Festival(Nov. 8th)臘八節


ingredients for Laba porridge

二、Chinese Traditional Festivals in solar Calendar:

1. New Year's Day 元旦(1月1日)

2. International Working Women's Day 國際勞動婦女節 (3月8日)

3. Planting Day 植樹節(3月12日)

4. International Labor Day 國際勞動 (5月1日)

5. Chinese Youth Day中國青年節 (5月4日

6. International Children's Day 國際兒童節 (6月1日)

7. The Party's Birthday 中國共產黨成立紀念日(7月1日

8. The Army's Day 建軍節(8月1日)

9. Teacher's Day 教師節(9月10日)

10.National Day 國慶節(10月1日)


celebrating National Day

