藝諾推介|在·現場參展藝術家——Andrew Cole

藝諾推介|在·現場參展藝術家——Andrew Cole

藝諾推介|在·現場參展藝術家——Andrew Cole

展覽主題 在·現場ART+國際美術館駐留計劃巡展| 上海 時間、地點

展覽時間:2018年8月10 日--10月10 日


策展人、舉辦單位 特邀策展人:Mok Wai Hong(香港)

策展人: Iveta Zhao

主辦單位: 藝諾藝術有限公司

協辦單位: 黃源(上海)投資管理有限公司


承辦單位: 藝諾藝術基金

在·現場參展藝術家——Andrew Cole

藝諾推介|在·現場參展藝術家——Andrew Cole

Artist Statement - Andrew Cole




Andrew Cole is a British artist currently living and working in Shanghai, but has previously lived in Oman, Thailand and South Africa. His work is generally abstract in nature, drawing on Minimalism, Expressionism and Abstract Expressionism, as well as the primacy of the idea for the conceptual artists.

While his overarching theme is humanity, he tends to concentrate on humans and human action as an absence rather than a presence, through traces left behind on ruined and damaged forms, rather than the human form itself, which, if it is used, tends to be abstracted, distorted or disrupted in some way. He explores the impact and processes of human thinking, either as an abstract conceptual space or through the lens of history, politics, philosophy, literature and so on as represented by marks on textured surfaces designed to evoke landscape, either natural or constructed. His work has been shown and collected in Europe, Africa and Asia.


2010-2012: PGCE(i) -諾丁漢大學

2002-2005: Bachelor of Arts (Art History and English Literature) – University of South Africa2010-2012: PGCE(i) – Nottingham University 展覽經歷:EXHIBITIONS·2014年5月,在泰國曼谷竹咖啡館舉辦團體表演

·《沙漠畫》(Sur, Oman) 2016年5月




·2017年12月29 -31日在中國上海FanSpace酒店舉辦“FanSpace酒店藝術展”



·2018年4月至5月,由羅夫藝術(中國北京)組織的“On the Way”群展

·廿八星國際藝術聯盟當代藝術在線展覽(中國上海)- 2018年6月

· Group Show at Bamboo Cafe (Bangkok, Thailand) May 2014· ‘Desert Paintings’ (Sur, Oman) May 2016· ‘In Mourning, In Memoriam’ at 2017 Shanghai Ladyfest (March 2017)· ‘After Hiroshima # and Beyond’, Group Show organized by IoDeposito, (B#S Gallery Venice, Italy) August – October 2017· “A Better World” at MASH Gastropub (Shenzhen, China) November 2017· “FanSpace Hotel Art Exhibition” group show at Fanspace Hotel (Shanghai, China) December 29th-31st 2017· “In the Name of the Painting” Group show at Mei Bo Gallery (Shanghai, China) January 21st to February 2nd 2018· “Red and Fruit” group show organized by Rove Art (Beijing, China) January to February 2018· “On the Way” group show organized by Rove Art (Beijing, China) April to May 2018· Eighth Star International Art Union Contemporary Art Online Exhibition (Shanghai, China) - June 2018


藝諾推介|在·現場參展藝術家——Andrew Cole

Artist: Andrew Cole

Title: A Cage of Air(籠子的氣)Year: 2017

Series: The Middle Kingdom

Medium: Acrylic, sand on canvas

Dimensions: 100cm x 80cm

藝諾推介|在·現場參展藝術家——Andrew Cole

Artist: Andrew Cole

Title: Campaign of Sparrows(競選的麻雀)Year: 2017

Series: The Middle Kingdom

Medium: Acrylic, sand, modeling paste on canvas

Dimensions: 100cm x 80cm

藝諾推介|在·現場參展藝術家——Andrew Cole

Artist: Andrew Cole

Title: In Our Dreams We Have Seen Another World(在夢裡,我們看到了另一個世界)Year: 2017

Series: The Middle Kingdom

Medium: Acrylic, gold foil on canvas

Dimensions: 100cm x 80cm

藝諾推介|在·現場參展藝術家——Andrew Cole

Artist: Andrew Cole

Title: In Secrets and Silence(秘密與沉默之中)Year: 2017

Series: The Middle Kingdom

Medium: Acrylic, sand, modeling paste, gold foil on canvas

Dimensions: 100cm x 80cm

藝諾推介|在·現場參展藝術家——Andrew Cole

Artist: Andrew Cole

Title: The Middle Kingdom(中央王國)Year: 2017

Series: The Middle Kingdom

Medium: Acrylic, sand, modeling paste, nails, coins on canvas

Dimensions: 80cm x 100cm

藝諾推介|在·現場參展藝術家——Andrew Cole

Artist: Andrew Cole

Title: The Body Within a Body(體內的身體)Year: 2018

Series: Roots

Medium: Acrylic on canvas

Dimensions: 100cm x 80cm

藝諾推介|在·現場參展藝術家——Andrew Cole

Artist: Andrew Cole

Title: The Thunder Over Distant Mountains(遠處山脈上的雷聲)Year: 2018

Series: Roots

Medium: Acrylic, gold foil on canvas

Dimensions: 100cm x 80cm

藝諾推介|在·現場參展藝術家——Andrew Cole

Artist: Andrew Cole

Title: The Opening of Doors(敞開的門)Year: 2018

Series: Roots

Medium: Acrylic, phosphorescent gel on canvas

Dimensions: 100cm x 80cm

“門的開放”來自根系列繪畫,它涉及個人身份形成的問題。這些繪畫融入了中世紀的鍊金術圖像和象徵。這幅畫連接到新體驗的想法,並前往世界各地的新地點,在思維和感知中打開“大門”,並在抽象的星球形狀中使用地球概念,以及達芬奇維特魯威人的變體作為“普遍”人性的象徵。鍊金術圖像從地球和哲學家的石頭的符號中提取出來,在這件事上可以理解為個人的轉變 -“基礎”轉化為更多其他的東西。

藝諾推介|在·現場參展藝術家——Andrew Cole

Artist: Andrew Cole

Title: Difference Engine(差分機)Year: 2018

Series: Fictional Artefacts

Medium: Acrylic, sand, modeling paste on canvas

Dimensions: 80cm x 100cm

藝諾推介|在·現場參展藝術家——Andrew Cole

Artist: Andrew Cole

Title: From Nothing(徒然)Year: 2018

Series: Fictional Artefacts

Medium: Acrylic, sand, modeling paste on canvas

Dimensions: 100cm x 80cm

藝諾推介|在·現場參展藝術家——Andrew Cole

Artist: Andrew Cole

Title: The Multiplication of Falsehoods(乘法的謊言)Year: 2018

Series: Fictional Artefacts

Medium: Acrylic, sand, silver foil on canvas

Dimensions: 100cm x 80cm

藝諾推介|在·現場參展藝術家——Andrew Cole

Artist: Andrew Cole

Title: In A Silent Place(安靜之所)Year: 2017

Series: In Mourning

Medium: Canvas sacking, modeling paste, acrylic on canvas

Dimensions: 100cm x 80cm

藝諾推介|在·現場參展藝術家——Andrew Cole

Artist: Andrew Cole

Title: In the Company of Ghosts(在幽靈的陪伴下)Year: 2016

Series: In Mourning

Medium: Acrylic, sand on canvas

Dimensions: 100cm x 80cm

