

Which do you think is the most important factor for a student to succeed at college or university?


1. Tutors in university. (大學的導師)

2. The encouragement from family. (來自家庭的鼓勵)

3. High-quality education from high school. (高中時期接受的優質教育)

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.








既然選了第二,那麼第一和第三怎麼處理呢?一般不完全置之不理,而是併入到第二的討論中 。





In today’s society of the growing opportunity gap, a tremendous amount of a student’s success at college or university is determined by the encouragement from that student’s family. Precisely, college success and graduation are more likely for students who have parents financially involved. Believe it or not, the wealth of the family is the most important factor for a student to get a degree.


Believe it, for a student to get a college degree, parental contributions in terms of money should not be overlooked due to some hard realities. While a post-secondly credential has never been more demanding than ever before, college has never been more expensive. It is true that college remains the best investment a student can make in the future, but the problem now is money, or the lack of it. For this reason, many students are forced to drop out from colleges and fail to complete degrees. Unfortunately but truly, hard work and academic talent often matter less than the ability to pay the cost of a higher education. If a degree is a marker of a student’s success in college, a student would find it difficult or even impossible to make it without the financial encouragement from the more privileged family backgrounds.



Believe it again! The most important factor for a student to succeed in college is more directly related to sufficient money provided by the family, than to professional advice from tutors in university, or to high-quality education from high school. The basic argument is that some people happen to be born to families that are better off, better educated, and better situated, and that matters a lot and that puts them at a natural advantage. Accordingly in real life, rich dull students are more likely to get a college degree than smart poor students. Considering all that, it is as if to say that much of a student’s success in college depends on what is called the “birth lottery,” and people have no say in

the card they draw. It has become evident that, without the financial substance from the family, neither academic performance from a student since high school, nor tutoring from university can be a decisive factor leading to a degree.


Whether people believe it or not, the most important factor contributing to a student’s success in college must be directly related to the family richness. Strictly speaking, parents’ financial involvement can make or break it. Those who think otherwise, think again!



--the growing opportunity gap 機會不均等的情況日益擴大

--a tremendous amount of 大量的

--precisely 精確地說

--believe it or not 信不信由你

--in terms of 就...來說

--overlook 忽視

--a post-secondly credential 大學文憑

--demanding 苛刻

--to drop out 中途退學

--unfortunately but truly 不幸,但是又千真萬確

--matter less than 沒...重要

--the more privileged family background 更優越的家庭背景

--sufficient 足夠的

--the basic argument is that 最基本的一條論點就是

--better off 比較富裕

--put sb at an advantage 讓某人處於有利地位

-- it is as if to say that 這就好比在說

--depends on 依靠

--“birth lottery” “出生彩票“,抽到大戶人家或貧困家庭

--have no say in... 對...沒有發言權

--It has become evident that 很明顯

--academic performance 學業成績

--strictly speaking 嚴格地說

--to make or break it 決定成敗


