



中国粉丝们的超强创意真的让人折服,几乎每个Western celebrity都有自己的 relevant and cool (or sometimes brutally honest)绰号。And trust me, 这些绰号真的很好玩。这次Nicole挑选了其中的10个来跟大家分享一下,看看中国粉丝的强大功力。

#1 Avril Lavigne – 酵母 – Yeast


Avril Lavigne大概是Western singers中在中国最出名和最欢迎的其中之一了。 Avril大概每年都会在中国办几场shows,这个曝光度也是没sei了。中国粉丝既然这么喜欢Avril,肯定得给她一个闪亮亮的nickname了。于是, they gave her the nickname 酵母jiàomǔ meaning yeast. 嗯,确实挺起来有点怪怪的。But actually, in Chinese, the word 酵母jiàomǔ yeast and 酵母jiàomǔ godmother are pronounced the same way. 也就是说,Avril Lavigne是此“教母”而非彼“酵母”咯。

#2 Adam Levine – 骚当 – Flirty Adam


骚当是谁??Maroon 5的主唱啊!看这个动图几乎就可以领会这个“骚”字了,哈哈。其实啊,真正的原因是Adam的heart-melting voice,当然要add that to the fact he often appears shirtless on stage, and you now know why Chinese people think he’s sexy, frivolous([ˈfrɪvələs] 轻率的)and deserves the nickname 骚当了吧。

#3 Calvin Harris – 高富帅 – Mr Perfect


Calvin这个nickname真的有点无敌了。美国传媒也不得不说,“In Chinese, 高富帅 is a common expression to talk about a man who seems perfect because he’s rich, handsome and tall.“

#4 J-Lo – 箩霸 – Lord of Butt


Say what? You heard it, Jennifer Lopez’s funny Chinese nickname is 箩霸luō bà Lord of Butt. This strange and not very PC nickname comes from her last name which is 洛佩兹luòpèizī in Chinese. As you know, J-Lo is also very famous for her behind so this nickname fits Mrs. Lopez perfectly, especially since her last album came out with the Booty song, don’t you think?


#5 Justin Timberlake – 贾老板 – Boss Jia


If you think that it’s only because he’s a legendary singer (alright, I’ll admit, I’m a huge fangirl), you’re wrong. Justin Timberlake invested a lot of money into various companies in the clothing industry, record labels and others and the Chinese view quite positively his industrious(勤奋的) views. 贾jiǎ also sounds like his name Justin (a little), making 贾老板 the ideal nickname for M. Timberlake. Now you know why the Chinese call him Boss Jia!


#6 Katy Perry – 水果姐 – Fruit Sister


Katy Perry’s Chinese nickname is 水果姐shuǐguǒ jiě meaning Fruit sister. If you’re at all familiar with her music videos and style, it’s easy to guess why they call her that way. Cute fruits and food always adorn her clothes, especially in her video clips. In one of Katy Perry’s shows in 2011, she appeared wearing a fancy dress fashioned after a fruit salad, which remains memorable to this day and may be the reason behind Katy Perry’s imaginative Chinese nickname.


#7 Kim Kardashian – 金大妈 –Aunty Gold


The TV reality star(真人秀明星) Kim Kardashian has become quickly famous around the world. In China she has actually two different funny Chinese nicknames, the first one being 金大妈jīn dàmā Aunty Gold. People thinks that she likes money above all and earns easy money thanks to the TV reality show she belongs to, and it’s hard to dispute their claim.作为网红中的网红,“金大妈”就是很能赚钱的代表啊。

Her second nickname is even funnier: 侃大山kǎndàshān, which sounds just like her last name Kardashian but with a clever play on words/ characters. 侃kǎn also stands for Kanye West who is Kim’s husband and大山dàshān means big mountains… Put the three together, let your imagination roam wild and you should definitely be able to understand why Chinese people call her that way.

The play on the words is even cleverer when you discover that in Chinese, the expression 侃大山kǎndàshān means to talk about unimportant things. Yup, you heard it.所以,第二个nickname“侃大山”就更有意思了,不仅音近,还有涵义。反正我是真的笑了。

#8 Kristen Stewart – 面瘫女 – Stone cold face


The actress from the Twilight series is well known in China for not smiling often. Chinese people thinks a face is just as cold as stone and since hers doesn’t appear to move much, the Chinese gave her the nickname 面瘫女miàntān nǚ stone cold face. Rock-solid?


#9 Lady Gaga – 康敏苏 – Coming soon


Lady Gaga’s Chinese nickname doesn’t mean anything in particular in Mandarin: 康敏苏kāngmǐn sū sounds just like in the English expression “coming soon”. This nickname comes from the fact that her albums are always said to be coming soon, they’re expected but never actually released. Harsh!

Lady Gaga的nickname我第一次看到的时候也是一头雾水,看来粉丝们是真的等她的新专辑等到心痒了,所以才忍不住mock了她一下吧。

#10 Taylor Swift – 霉霉 – Unlucky / 公车霉 Bus


Last but not least, the very famous popstar Taylor Swift! The Chinese people gave her two Chinese nicknames that are sooo funny! The first one is: 霉霉méi mei unlucky, because she has been several times disappointed by love and got dumped many times, or so the story goes.


The second nickname the Chinese have awarded her is: 公车霉gōngchē méi bus little sister.

Why bus? Because according to the worldwide media, she’s dated a bus load of men. Ouch. As the list is extremely long, Chinese people have taken to just calling her Bus. Not really nice and a little mean, but funny too, don’t you think?


好咯,这次先跟大家分享这10位大明星的Chinese nicknames,如果大家还有兴趣想了解更多的,留言告诉我吧~


