
中國人在學習英語時,由於中西方文化差異和語言表達習慣不同,往往會說出或寫出以英語為母語的人理解不了的英語句子,有的完全是Chinglish (中式英語),鬧出笑話。比如:“做早操對你的身體有好處”的英語表達不是“Doing morning exercises is good for your body.”而是“Doing morning exercises is good for your health.”又如:“他適合這項新工作嗎?”不是“Does he fit the new job?”而是“Does the new job fit him?”再如:“他耳朵聽不見”不是“His ears are deaf.”而是“He is deaf ( in both ears).”



a (great) deal of 大量,相當多

★例句 教授給了我許多書。

【誤用】 The professor gave me a great deal of books.

【正確】 The professor gave me a great number of books.

【說明】 a great deal of 表示“許多······”的意思,只能修飾不可數名詞,謂語動詞用單數形式。類似的短語還有 a great deal of。

★例句 對這個問題他們談了很多。

【誤用】They talked a great deal of about the problem.

【正確】They talked a great deal about the problem.

【說明】a great deal 後面沒有名詞時,不加 of。

as...as 和······一樣

★例句 他和她一樣是位好老師。

【誤用】 He is as a good teacher as her.

【正確】 He is as good a teacher as her.

【說明】在 as...as...結構中,第一個 as 是副詞,不能修飾名詞,因此要將形容詞good 提前。


Your mother is not as young and strong as she used to be. 你媽媽現在可不如從前那樣年輕、強壯了。

注意:在肯定句中,as...as...也可以說成 so...as...,但在否定句中只能說 so...as...。

as far as 遠到,遠至;至於

★例句 我一直送他到車站。

【誤用】I saw him as far as to the station.

【正確】I saw him as far as the station.

【說明】as far as 中已經含有“到達”“遠至”的意思,再使用 to 就語義重複了。


He’ll go with you as far as the station for company. 他將陪你到車站。

as follows 如下所述

★例句 說明如下。

【誤用】The explanation is as follow.

【正確】The explanation is as follows.

【說明】無論謂語動詞是單數還是複數,“如下” 一律使用 as follows,不說 as follow。

as good as 和······一樣,等於

★例句 這臺DVD播放器用了兩年,看上去還像新的一樣。


This DVD player has been used for two years and looks as well as new.


This DVD player has been used for two years and looks as good as new.

【說明】as well as 是“也”“又”的意思,as good as 是“和······一樣”“等於”“簡直是”的意思,兩者不能混淆。

as much as 與······一樣

★例句 湯姆與約翰一樣擅長數學。

【誤用】Tom as much as John were good at mathematics.

【正確】Tom as much as John was good at mathematics.

【說明】as much as 與主語連用時,並不影響主語的數。

as soon as 一······就······

★例句 他一來, 我們就告訴他。


As soon as he will come, we'll let him know.

【正確】As soon as he comes, we'll let him know.

【說明】在 as soon as 引導的時間狀語從句裡,要用一般現在時表示一般將來時。

as though 好像

★例句 他看上去似乎累了。

【誤用】 He looks as though he is tired.

【正確】 He looks as though he were tired.

【說明】as though 和as if 一樣是“好像······似的”“彷彿······似的”的意思,它所講述的情況是主觀想象的或誇大事實的,與實際情況不相符,所以要用虛擬語氣。

as well 還,也

★例句 這個小女孩不僅會唱歌,還會彈鋼琴。


The little girl not only sings, and she as well plays the piano.


The little girl not only sings, and she plays the piano as well.

【說明】as well 在肯定句中是“還”“也”的意思,與 too 同義,通常放在句末作狀語。

as well as 也, 同樣地; 即······又······,不僅······而且······

★例句 老師以及學生都想參觀博物館。


The teacher as well as the students want to visit the museum.


The teacher as well as the students wants to visit the museum.

【說明】 as well as 是並列連詞,當其連接兩個主語時, 謂語動詞應與 as well as 前面的名詞或代詞的人稱和數一致。

例如: I, as well as he, know that. 我和他一樣, 也知道那件事。He as well as you is responsible for it. 你和他對這件事都有責任。

at once 同時,立刻

★例句 所有的事都一起發生了。

【誤用】Everything happened all at once.

【正確】Everything happened at once.

【說明】all at once 的意思是“突然”,而 at once 的意思是“同時”“立刻”“馬上”。

in case 萬一;以防

★例句 如果著火了,請馬上撥打電話119。

【誤用】In the case of fire, dial 119 at once.

【正確】In case of fire,dial 119 at once.

【說明】in case of 是“假使” “如果”“以防”“萬一”的意思。In the case of 表示“就······而言”“在······情況下” “至於”。

★例句 穿上雨衣,以防下雨。

【誤用】 Take your raincoat in case it will rain.

【正確】 Take your raincoat in case it rains.

【說明】in case 表示“以防” “如果” “萬一”。當它引導從句時,用現在時表示將來時間或條件,而不用一般將來時。

in order to [ that ] 為了, 以便

★例句 他們坐飛機走,這樣可以及時趕到那裡。


They went by plane in order that they got there in time.


They went by plane in order that they might get there in time.

【說明】in order that 引導表示過去的目的狀語從句,從句中不能用一般過去時,

一般要加 might,could, should 等情態動詞。

★例句 唯恐失敗,我努力學習。

【誤用】 I studied hard in order to not fail.

【正確】 I studied hard in order not to fail.

【說明】in order to 的否定形式是 in order not to, 而不是 in order to not, 表示的意思是“以免······” “為了不······”。

instead of 代替

★例句 她沒去游泳,而是去跑步。

【誤用】She went to run instead of to swim.

【正確】She went to run instead of swimming.

【說明】instead of 後面跟名詞或動名詞,而不能接動詞不定式結構。

used to 習慣於; (過去)慣常

★例句 那是我孩提時讀書的地方。


That's where I used to studying when I was a child.


That's where I used to study when I was a child.

【說明】used to do sth. 表示“過去經常(做某事)”,to 是不定式符號。

★例句 他習慣於坐在沙發上看報紙。


He is used to read newspapers sitting in sofa.


He is used to reading newspapers sitting in sofa.

【說明】表示“習慣於······”的意思,要用 be used to doing sth. , 其中的 to 是介詞。



