

Donald Trump blasts companies like Ford and Apple for manufacturing products outside the United States. He even threatened to stop eating Oreo cookies after he learned some production was moving to Mexico. 近日,唐納德·特朗普向福特、蘋果等公司“開炮”,指責其生產工廠設於美國境外。此前,他甚至宣稱要抵制奧利奧餅乾,因為卡夫公司(即奧利奧生產商)將部分工廠遷往墨西哥。

But Trump does the same thing. Many of his products are made outside the United States. Most Donald J. Trump ties are made in China. Some Donald J. Trump suits are also made in China. 不過,特朗普隨即遭到“打臉”。原來,其公司旗下產品也大多在美國境外生產。特朗普名下的領帶與西服,多半產自中國。

Donald J. Trump signature men's dress shirts are made in China, Bangladesh or "imported," meaning they were made abroad. 另外,其名下的禮服襯衫也產自中國、孟加拉國等國。換句話說,全是“洋貨”。

And it's not just Donald's products. Harvard professor and trade expert Robert Lawrence analyzed over 800 items in the Ivanka Trump fashion line. There are shoes, dresses, purses and scarves. All are "imported." 正所謂,有其父,必有其女。唐納德之女伊萬卡亦有同名時尚品牌。不過,哈佛大學教授、外貿專家羅伯特·勞倫斯稱,取樣分析的800餘件伊萬卡產品皆為“進口貨”,鞋子、裙子、錢包、圍巾,“無一倖免”。

The top five countries that America imports clothing from are China (by far the leader), India, Vietnam, Pakistan and Mexico. 目前,向美國出口服裝最多的五大國家分別是(名次由高至低):中國、印度、越南、巴基斯坦和墨西哥。

"In a recent debate Marco Rubio mentioned ties. But the ties made in China are just the tip of the iceberg," says Lawrence, who served on President Bill Clinton's Council of Economic Advisers. 勞倫斯在比爾·克林頓執政期間,曾任總統經濟顧問。他表示:“馬爾科·盧比奧在近期辯論中提到了領帶問題。其實,領帶只佔中國對美國出口商品的冰山一角。”

Lawrence found that none of Ivanka Trump's clothing line appears to be made exclusively in the United States and 354 items are listed as made in China. 勞倫斯進而指出,伊萬卡·特朗普名下的服裝產品都不是正宗的美國貨,其中354件產自中國。

Trump doesn't dispute this. 特朗普對此並未否認。

"I talk about my ties in speeches. I'm open. I say my ties many times are made in China," Trump told CNN's Jake Tapper in July. 去年七月,他在接受CNN主播傑克·塔珀採訪時表示:“我演講時好幾次都提到過領帶,也沒什麼好隱瞞的。沒錯,我的領帶就是中國產的。”

"It's very hard to have apparel made in this country," Trump said. “讓美國成為製衣大國不太現實,”特朗普說。

The issue is getting renewed scrutiny as Trump becomes the clear Republican front runner for president and has made trade a key 2016 campaign theme. 不過,作為當下最熱門的共和黨總統參選人,這個問題近來又成為大家關注的焦點,畢竟,貿易問題是他競選活動的重中之重。

"I want to see the day in the not too distant future where Apple makes it phones in this country," Trump said recently at a campaign stop in Portland, Maine. 近期,特朗普在緬因州波特蘭的一場競選演講中稱:“我希望在不遠的將來,人們能夠用上美國產的蘋果手機。”

Trump says he will "make the greatest trade deals we've ever made in our country." 他還表示,自己會“為美國爭取有史以來最大的外貿利益。”

He wants to put a tax on Chinese and Mexican goods like clothing coming into the United States to level the playing field and bring back middle class jobs. He's said the tax could be as high as 35 or 45%. 他表示,會對從中國和墨西哥進口的服裝等商品增收關稅,以促進貿易平衡,為中產階級提供更多工作。此關稅力度預計高達35%或45%。

Economists warn this would ignite a trade war and could cause a recession. China and Mexico and possibly other nations would respond by putting taxes on U.S. goods and services. It would also make a lot of everyday items more expensive for Americans. 然而,經濟學家警告稱,此舉或會引發貿易大戰,甚至導致經濟衰退。中墨兩國,乃至其他國家也會對美國商品加徵關稅作為回擊。而美國民眾則將面臨日常用品大幅提價的窘境。

Even just a 25% tariff would likely cause the two-piece Trump suit to jump in price from about $150 to $188. 比如,若對原價150美元的特朗普西服兩件套徵收25%的關稅,意味著顧客要多付38美元。

"The realist in me says: is he really going to do those things if he gets in office?" mulls Bob Doll, chief stock strategist at Nuveen Asset Management. 努文資產管理公司首席股票策略師鮑勃·多爾坦言:“我心中理智的聲音一直在問自己:特朗普若入主白宮,真的會照著性子辦事嗎?”

