李娜出席「通往溫布爾登之路」發布會 Endeavor收購公司NeuLion

李娜出席“通往溫布爾登之路”發佈會 Endeavor收購公司NeuLion

2018年4月3日 第四十四期

李娜出席“通往溫布爾登之路”發佈會 Endeavor收購公司NeuLion

李娜出席“通往溫布爾登之路”發佈會 Endeavor收購公司NeuLion

李娜3月27日,IMG 網球巨星、亞洲第一位大滿貫單打賽事得主李娜參加了全英草地網球俱樂部“通往溫布爾登之路”挑戰賽的新聞發佈會。李娜鼓勵參賽的年輕選手並現場親自指導。她表示:“‘通往溫布爾登之路’系列賽給年輕的運動員們提供了一個國際化的平臺。在職業生涯早期有這樣的寶貴經歷,將幫助他們在之後的職業發展佔得優勢。”

Li Na On March 27, IMG client, tennis star and Asia's first grand slam singles winner Li Na attended the press conference for the AELTC "Road to Wimbledon" challenge (Beijing). Li Na offered encouragement and guidance to young athletes in attendance, telling them, ‘‘The Road to Wimbledon tournament provides an international platform for young athletes. This kind of early experience can help make you more dominant in your future tennis career."

李娜出席“通往溫布爾登之路”發佈會 Endeavor收購公司NeuLion

李娜出席“通往溫布爾登之路”發佈會 Endeavor收購公司NeuLion

高爾夫球員在剛剛結束的全日空錦標賽中,IMG 高爾夫球員阿瑞雅和科達均交出低於標準桿14杆的成績,以總成績274杆並列第四名;“中國一姐”馮珊珊以總成績282杆並列第25位完賽。同時,她繼續第21周保持自己世界第一的排名。

Golf clientsAt the ANA Inspiration Golf Tournament held at Mission Hills Country club, IMG golf clients Ariya Jutanugarn and Jessica Korda ended at T4 on the leaderboard, for a total tournament score of 14-under-274. Meanwhile, Shanshan Feng, tied for 25th place with a total score of 282 (71-70-67-74) at the event. She retained her world No.1 ranking for the twenty-first week.

李娜出席“通往溫布爾登之路”發佈會 Endeavor收購公司NeuLion

李娜出席“通往溫布爾登之路”發佈會 Endeavor收購公司NeuLion

收購Endeavor 正式宣佈收購美國數字視頻公司 NeuLion(新詩)。該公司專注於生活類數字視頻廣播內容與互聯網設備體育娛樂點播內容的分銷和變現。

Acquisition We announced that we have entered into an agreement to acquire NeuLion. The company specializes in the digital video broadcasting, distribution and monetization of live and on-demand sports and entertainment content to Internet-enabled devices.

李娜出席“通往溫布爾登之路”發佈會 Endeavor收購公司NeuLion

李娜出席“通往溫布爾登之路”發佈會 Endeavor收購公司NeuLion

體育艾美獎 Endeavor 旗下眾多資產和客戶在體育艾美獎中提名或參與了21個提名項目。其中,我們擁有或幫助製作的內容包括:TBS 和 Twitch.tv 上的“2017 ELEAGUE”、 “UCONN: The March to Madness on HBO”、Showtime上的“A Season with Navy Football”和 FS1上的“UFC Fight Flashback: Cruz vs. Garbrandt”。榮獲提名的個人客戶包括 Curt Menefee、Michael Strahan 和Michele Tafoya。同時,IMG 的 Barry Frank 將獲終身成就獎。

Sports Emmy AwardsEndeavor’s properties and clients are nominated or associated with nominated projects for Sports Emmy Awards in 21 categories. Nominated content that we ownor helped produce includes "2017 ELEAGUE" on TBS and Twitch.tv, "UCONN: The March to Madness on HBO," "A Season with Navy Football" on Showtime and "UFC Fight Flashback: Cruz vs.Garbrandt" on FS1. Individual clients up for Emmys include Curt Menefee, Michael Strahan and Michele Tafoya. IMG’s Barry Frank will also receive the Lifetime Achievement award.

李娜出席“通往溫布爾登之路”發佈會 Endeavor收購公司NeuLion

李娜出席“通往溫布爾登之路”發佈會 Endeavor收購公司NeuLion

邁阿密公開賽在2018年邁阿密公開賽上,IMG 為馬喬裡·斯通曼·道格拉斯高中的網球隊舉辦專場活動,為近期該校的槍擊案受害者提供支持和籌款機會。孩子們連同他們的父母和教練都觀看了比賽,並與包括 IMG 球員尼克·克耶高斯、加爾比妮·穆古拉扎、莫妮卡·普格在內的 ATP 和 WTA 的明星們見面,一同參加了紀念罹難同學的儀式。活動現場還製作和銷售了特製T恤,一天內籌集資金超過25,000美元。

Miami Open At the Miami Open 2018, IMG hosted the tennis team from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School as a show of support and fund raising opportunity for victims of the school's recent shooting. The kids, along with their parents and coaches, were able to watch the tournament, meet and spend time with ATP and WTA stars, including IMG clients Nick Kyrgios, Garbiñe Muguruza, Monica Puig, and participate in a ceremony honoring their fallen classmates. Special t-shirt swere also created and sold on site, raising more than $25,000 in a single day.

李娜出席“通往溫布爾登之路”發佈會 Endeavor收購公司NeuLion

李娜出席“通往溫布爾登之路”發佈會 Endeavor收購公司NeuLion

世界花樣滑冰錦標賽 在2018年米蘭世界花樣滑冰世錦賽上,幾位剛從平昌冬奧會征戰歸來的 IMG 客戶表現亮眼:陳巍奪得男子金牌;在女子比賽中凱特琳·奧斯蒙德獲得金牌,宮原知子獲得了銅牌; 在冰上舞蹈比賽中 IMG 客戶包攬金銀銅牌,加布裡埃拉·帕帕達吉斯/吉約姆·西澤龍獲得金牌,麥迪遜·哈貝爾/扎克·多諾霍奪得銀牌,凱特琳·維沃/安德魯·波傑獲得銅牌。

World Figure Skating ChampionshipsAt the 2018 World Figure Skating World Championships in Milan, several clients just back from the Olympic Games in Pyeong Chang took home major wins. In Men's Nathan Chen took Gold; in Ladies' Kaetlyn Osmond took Gold and Satoko Miyaharatook Bronze; and in Ice Dance Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron took Gold, Madison Hubbell and Zach Donohue took Silver, and Kaitlyn Weaver and Andrew Poje took Bronze.

李娜出席“通往溫布爾登之路”發佈會 Endeavor收購公司NeuLion

李娜出席“通往溫布爾登之路”發佈會 Endeavor收購公司NeuLion

IMG 大學體育我們的 IMG 大學體育部門代理了參加男子和女子 NCAA 決賽的9所學校中的8所。在男子比賽中,我們代理了密歇根大學和堪薩斯大學的多媒體版權、品牌授權業務和票務,以及維拉諾瓦大學的品牌授權業務。女子業務中,我們代理了康涅狄格大學的多媒體版權和品牌授權業務、路易斯維爾大學的品牌授權業務、密西西比州的品牌授權業務和票務,以及聖母大學的電臺多媒體版權和票務。同時,IMG 每年為 NCAA 錦標賽制作官方節目。

IMG College Across our IMG College division, we represent eight out of nine schools playing in the men's and women's NCAA Final Four basketball games last Friday and Saturday. For the men's games, we represent the University of Michigan and University of Kansas in multimedia rights, licensing and seating, as well as Villanova University in licensing. For the women's matchups, we represent the University of Connecticut in multimedia rights and licensing; University of Louisville in licensing; Mississippi State in licensing and seating; and Notre Dame in radio multimedia rights and seating. We also produce the official programs for the NCAA tournament each year.

李娜出席“通往溫布爾登之路”發佈會 Endeavor收購公司NeuLion

李娜出席“通往溫布爾登之路”發佈會 Endeavor收購公司NeuLion

Being Serena HBO 體育和 IMG 原創內容部門共同宣佈“Being Serena”定檔5月2日首播。這是一部關於 IMG 球星“小威”塞雷娜·威廉姆斯的五集紀錄片,將記錄下這位運動員懷孕、新婚、女兒的出生以及重返賽場的經歷。紀錄片將給觀眾一個幕後的視角,一探這位榮譽等身的球手備戰她在2017年1月澳網奪冠以來的首次大滿貫賽事-2018年法國網球公開賽的生活。

Being Serena

HBO Sports and IMG Original Content announced "Being Serena," a five-part documentary about IMG client Serena Williams. Set to premiere May 2, the series will document the athlete's pregnancy, her new marriage, the birth of her daughter and her return to the court. The project will give viewers a behind-the-scenes look at the life of one of the most decorated athletes in history as she works toward the 2018 French Open, her first Grand Slam event since her win at the Australian Open in January 2017.

李娜出席“通往溫布爾登之路”發佈會 Endeavor收購公司NeuLion


關於 Endeavor

Endeavor 集團(原 WME | IMG)在全球30多個國家和地區經營娛樂、體育及時尚業務,為全球業界領導者,是《財富》雜誌世界最重要25傢俬人企業之一。Endeavor 旗下擁有眾多在各自領域領先的子公司,包括 WME、IMG 和 UFC 等。Endeavor 的專長包括運動員代理和管理;品牌營銷、贊助招商和品牌授權;版權銷售;賽事運營和管理,以及體育培訓和體育聯盟開發。

關於 WME | IMG 巍美

WME | IMG 巍美是 Endeavor 集團(原 WME | IMG)的子公司,Endeavor 在全球30餘個國家經營娛樂、體育及時尚業務,為全球業界領導者。WME | IMG 巍美得到了紅杉資本、騰訊、分眾傳媒以及方源資本的共同投資,以公司在中國過去數十年的耕耘為基礎,致力於擴大 Endeavor 在中國的影響力及業務合作,推動公司在娛樂及體育領域的全方位發展。

李娜出席“通往溫布爾登之路”發佈會 Endeavor收購公司NeuLion

