每日積累「背三句」-describe your favorite season

每日積累“背三句”-describe your favorite season

每日積累“背三句”- describe your favorite season

In early spring, our weather can be anything from freezing cold to warm and sunny.


early spring 早春

can be anything from … to … 可以是從…到…的任何東西/事物…(早春可能冷可能暖)

One of the best things about spring is that the plants and trees come to life again.


come to life again 再次煥發生機

The sounds of spring are wonderful too, when birds start singing more as they look for a mate and then start building their nests.


sing more 更多地唱歌

as 在…的時候

look for a mate 尋找伴侶(鳥、獸等)

nest 巢

