英語 "get off on the wrong foot"從錯誤的一隻腳掉下來是什麼鬼


were you saying anything? 是你剛剛在說話嗎?有時候就用於故意把某人的話當耳旁風,故意說你剛剛有在說話嗎?(我完全沒有聽到,我完全不在乎你在說什麼)


distract: to take someone’s attention away from something by making them look at or listen to something else 分散〔注意力〕,使分心

----"What if she gets upset?" (要是她不高興呢?)

----“Then you distract her with a Barbie doll." (你就拿芭比娃娃她)----美劇《老友記》

even: flat and level, with no parts that are higher than other parts 平的,平坦的

uneven: 高低不平的

He had lovely white, even teeth. 他有一副潔白整齊的牙齒。

"I'm the only one here with uneven legs." (我是這裡唯一一個長一短的人)----美劇《開心漢堡店》


get off on the wrong foot: 起步便錯;一開始就很不順利;開始就亂了步驟;


go through: If you go through an experience or a period of time, especially an unpleasant or difficult one, you experience it. 經歷 (尤為艱難時期)

"He said he'd rather go through it alone." (他說寧願獨自承受)----美劇《新飛躍比弗利》

That’s all for today

June 15, 2018. XOXO

