LINE FRIENDS聯名B&O,發布限量版布朗熊音箱|美通社

'Bang & Olufsen X LINE FRIENDS Beoplay P2 BROWN Limited Edition' to be launched in 6 markets including Korea, the United States, China and Japan starting from October 4

First-ever character collaboration from Bang & Olufsen as well as the brown-colored 'Beoplay P2' from LINE FRIENDS 'BROWN' for the first time, capturing the hearts of customers

Portable Bluetooth speaker and design applied with 'BROWN' attracts both the general consumers and artists with unique design and premium features

LINE FRIENDS联名B&O,发布限量版布朗熊音箱|美通社

LINE FRIENDS 宣佈與丹麥音響品牌 Bang&Olufsen (簡稱“B&O”)合作,推出限量版 BeoPlay P2 隨身藍牙音箱。這是雙方的首次合作。這款音箱採用了廣受世界各地千禧一代喜愛的布朗熊形象,同時保持了 B&O 卓越的音質。10月4日起,這款定製版 BeoPlay P2 隨身藍牙音箱在韓國、美國、日本、中國大陸、臺灣和香港的 LINE FRIENDS 全球線下商店和在線渠道獨家銷售。(美通社,2018年10月1日韓國首爾)

閱讀全文: LINE FRIENDS Globally Launches First-ever Character Collaboration with Bang & Olufsen's Premium Speaker Featuring 'BROWN'

