











規格:長87cm 寬46.2cm








規格:長180cm 寬48cm

介紹:人物之間以銀杏、松槐、垂柳相隔。8 人均席地而坐,但各呈現出一種最能體現個性的姿態, 士族知識分子自由清高的理想人格在這幅字畫上得到了充分地表現。畫中人物的衣褶線條圓潤靈動,造型嚴謹準確,絕非一般畫工所為,結合中西畫法,人物頭部刻畫細膩,神情捕捉準確。此瓷板尺幅較大,面平釉潤,在粉彩的基礎上,結合西洋人物畫法,用筆老辣,頓挫有力,層次分明,勾勒出竹林之下七賢齊聚,有撫琴者,有清談者,有對弈者,有觀奕者,神態各異,生動傳神;又以淡墨繪坡石修竹,鳳尾森森,幽疏蒼渾。構圖完整,佈局合理,色彩搭配冷暖分明,繪法兼工帶寫,設色清雅中見妍麗,人物衣紋虯結生姿,輕敷淡染,神情捕捉準確,層次豐富,具有極高的藝術性及觀賞性。




Name: original mine purple sand engrave landscape spiral string pattern imitation ancient pot


Age: Gujingzhou / Modern

規格:重11.6g 高8cm 口徑4.5cm 底徑6.5cm

Specification: Weight 11.6 g height 8cm calibre 4.5 cm Bottom diameter 6.5 cm


Introduction: this group of purple sand pot choice of fine raw mineral cinnabar, clay fine and even, pure mud, smooth surface, fine sand, classical deep color, lustre warm. The pot body is a spiral pattern, smooth and regular antique spin pattern, simple and generous, soft and beautiful. The exquisite and simple cover button caters to the pot body and is full of charm. The lid bus accurately separates the lid. The current pot mouth Hefei corresponds to the left and right. Looking at this pot, calm and calm in the spirit of extraordinary ambition, dignified look in a beautiful shape, extraordinary.


Gujingzhou was crowned in Hong Kong for Dr. Luo Guixiang and Zisha pottery collectors. He identified the collection of 200 pieces of collections and opened a lecture on Zisha pottery. His erudition and incisive analysis of his works left a deep impression on scholars and connoisseurs of many countries. Gujingzhou participated in the National Arts and Crafts Artists Congress three times and was received by national leaders. His works are highly praised by colleagues at home and abroad.

顧景舟窮畢生精力於紫砂陶藝,不斷進取,勇於創新,並帶領幾代人為紫砂事業增光添彩。他以博大的胸懷,精湛的技術,在紫砂發展史 上寫下了輝煌的篇章,不愧為一座重要的里程碑。正如著名美術大師亞明先生所評:"紫砂始於明正德,至今五百年,高手不過十餘人。顧兄景舟當為近代大師。顧壺可見華夏之哲學精神、文學氣息、繪畫神韻。

Gujingzhou spent his life in the purple sand pottery art, constantly enterprising, brave to innovate, and led generations to add glory to the purple sand business. With his broad mind and superb technology, he wrote a brilliant chapter in the history of the development of purple sand, which is worthy of an important milestone. As the famous art master Mr. Yaming commented: "Purple sand began in Ming Zhengde, so far five hundred years, but more than ten masters. Guxiongjingzhou was a modern master. Gu Hu can see Huaxia's philosophical spirit, literary atmosphere, and painting charm.




Name: Yunnan Guangxu Yuanbao Treasury Ping seven money two points


The Qing Dynasty: the Qing Dynasty

規格:總重40.2g 直徑38.3mm

Specification: total weight 40.2g diameter 38.3mm

介紹:錢面:珠圈內滿漢文“光緒銀元”,上環“雲南省造”, 下環“庫平三錢六分” “光緒元寶”四個字,字體俊秀。 [光]字最後一筆豎彎勾,很像一個鳥的造型,鳥嘴緊連[光]字一瞥。光緒的[緒]字中間那一瞥,彷彿刀柄,一刀刺進了[緒]字的心臟。[元]字,錘擊鳥眼,有吸乾大清元氣之意。 [寶]字的寶蓋上面一點,探出寶蓋下方,字體寫的柔弱飄逸。

Introduction: money face: the Pearl circle is full of Chinese "Guangxu silver yuan", the upper ring "Yunnan province", the lower ring "Ku Ping three money six points" "Guangxu yuan treasure" four words, the font is handsome. The last vertical stroke of the word "light" is very much like the shape of a bird. The glimpse of the word "Guangxu" is like a knife handle and a knife pierce into the heart of the word. The word "Yuan" hammers the bird's eyes, which has the meaning of drying up the great Qi. On the top of the treasure, the underneath the cover is soft and elegant.

錢背:正中蟠龍圖,左右各一六點花星。蟠龍為長鬚龍,眼神靈異炯炯有神;龍鱗雕刻細密有致,騰雲駕霧,身姿遒勁有力;龍爪張揚,神武有力;龍身盤踞太陽,盡展皇家威嚴大氣。此蟠龍圖 是中國所有龍洋圖案銀元(包括國外發行的所有銀幣)中,工藝最精湛,雕工最完美,浮雕感最強烈的品種,鏡面平整光滑,紋飾的相慣線,顯得非常清晰。

Qian Bei: the middle dragon chart, about 16 flower stars. The Panlong is the long beard dragon with bright and bright eyes; the Dragon scales are engraved and dense, the clouds are driving the clouds and the strong and powerful posture; the dragon's claws are open and the powerful and powerful; the dragon is entrenched with the sun and the royal majesty of the Royal atmosphere. This Panlong map is the most exquisite of all Chinese dragon ocean patterns (including all the silver coins issued abroad) with the most exquisite workmanship, the most perfect sculpting and the strongest embossing, the smooth surface of the mirror, and the very clear line of the ornamentation.


These two pieces of Yunnan province create Guangxu Yuanbao, the script calligraphy of the regular script is extremely exquisite, the atmosphere, the frame structure is balanced and stretches, is second to none in the Dragon ocean. His secret of anti-counterfeiting is more than the predecessors, unmatched, unrivaled, the surface of the coin thick, highly ornamental and collection value, even the silver did not study the outsiders love.

