




1. 過戶房產到孩子名下,孩子保留身份但是孩子的爺爺奶奶將失去永居身份。

2. 如果孩子21歲時在希臘讀書並出具在讀證明,永居卡有效期可延續到孩子24歲。

3. 在永居卡到期前,如申請人符合條件,申請並得到歐盟永居或入籍希臘國籍。


除了孩子可以作為附屬申請人獲得希臘永居卡以外,很多投資人也比較關心孩子在希臘未來的入籍問題, 首先需要強調的是出生在希臘的外籍子女是不可以直接入籍希臘的,主申請人的孩子想要入籍希臘,主要有以下兩種方式:



1) 孩子在希臘出生後在希臘就讀小學一年級,並且在父母提交聯合聲明申請入籍時依然在希臘上學。

2) 父母一方在孩子出生前,在希臘合法連續居住至少5年,那麼孩子出生後可以直接申請希臘國籍;如果孩子在父母一方未住滿5年的時候出生,那麼申請時間順延到父母一方在希臘居住滿十年。


1) 非出生在希臘的外籍子女,在希臘完成小學到初中的9年義務教育或是完成初中到高中的6年教育,通過有效畢業證書即可申請加入希臘國籍。託兒所的時期不計入在內。

2) 非出生在希臘的外籍子女,在希臘高等教育或技術高等教育機構畢業、且持有希臘高中畢業證書,就有權獲得希臘公民身份,此項適用於高等教育機構畢業後的3年內的申請人。




How can my children become Greek nationals?

According to the Greek immigration law, the main applicant can only include children younger than 21 years old as dependent applicants for the Greece permanent residence card. Children's permanent residence cards typically expire on their 21st birthday. However, there are several ways to maintain the permanent residence after turning 21 years old:

1. Transfer property to the child, so that the child will maintain residency, although the child's grandparents will lose their permanent residence status;

2. If the child is studying in Greece at the age of 21 and provides studying certificate, the permanent residence card can be valid until the child is 24 years old;

3. Before the expiry of the Greece permanent residence card, if the applicant matches the conditions, he/she may acquire an EU long-term residency permit or become a Greek Citizen.

Although maintaining the permanent residence permit is important, many investors are most concerned about the citizenship of their children in Greece. It must be emphasized that foreign children born in Greece do not directly acquire citizenship. If an applicant's child wants to become a Greek citizen, they must use one of the following methods:

1. A child of foreign parents born in Greece acquires the right to Greek nationality under the following preconditions:

1) He/she has enrolled in the first grade of elementary school and is still attending Greek school at the time the application-declaration is being lodged;

2) One of their parents has been living legally and continuously for at least five (5) years in the country before the child was born. In case the child was born before this five year period had been completed, then the necessary period of legal and continuous residence of the parents is extended to ten (10) years.

2. A non-national minor legally residing in Greece establishes the right to acquire the Greek citizenship if they meet the conditions related to school attendance:

1) A non-national minor legally residing in Greece establishes the right to acquire the Greek citizenship due to school attendance in Greece, provided he/she has successfully completed attendance of either nine (9) grades of elementary and secondary education or six (6) grades of secondary education. Attendance of nursery schools is not included in this period. The successful completion of the required attendance is proven by the relevant certification of the competent authority;

2) A non-national legally residing in Greece and graduate of a Greek higher education or technical higher education institution establishes the right to acquire Greek citizenship provided he/she holds a completion certificate from a Greek high school. The declaration application must be filed within three (3) years of the graduation from the higher education institution.

According to the latest 2018 Henley Passport Index ranking, Greece ranked 6th with 183 countries allowing visa-free access. The Henley Passport Index is a ranking of all the passports of the world according to the number of countries their holders can travel to visa-free. The ranking is based on exclusive data from the International Air Transport Association (IATA), which maintains the world’s largest and most comprehensive database of travel information and conducts extensive in-house research.

Traveling around the world is a dream for many people. It typically requires a visa, along with limits and many headaches. However, with a strong passport from a country like Greece, travelling to more than 100 countries will be easy and stress free.



▪ 購買25萬歐元及以上房產

▪ 年滿18週歲

▪ 購買醫療保險

▪ 無犯罪紀錄


◈ 造福全家:一人申請,三代獲利;

◈ 投資金額低:一步獲取居留卡的所需投資金額最低的申根國家;

◈ 暢行歐洲:希臘是申根國,持“投資人永久居留許可”可自由通行30個歐洲國家;

◈ 審核要求簡單:無學歷、語言、資金來源證明、商業背景要求;

◈ 申請週期短:3個月左右;

◈ 穩定無風險:投資房地產,保值增值;

◈ 無移民監: 投資者在獲批後,不需要居住;

◈ 無全球徵稅:投資者可放心發展全球業務;

◈ 法制法規健全:與歐盟協調一致的立法和監管體系;

◈ 生活便利:希臘英文普及率高,對華人友好 ;

◈ 可申請國民身份:投資人在希臘合法居住7年之後可申請國民身份 (子女在希臘上學6年及以上可申請國民身份)。

