

2018 autumn auction boutique recommendation: Chinese calligrapher Kowloon seal


China's five thousand years of brilliant civilization and unparalleled abundant written records have been recognized by the world. In this vast and profound history, With its unique artistic form and artistic language, Chinese calligraphy and painting art reproduces this historical development process and interprets the connotation of Chinese traditional culture.



書法是我國特有的一門傳統藝術,從殷商的甲骨、周的金文到秦篆、漢隸直至後來的楷、行、草,不斷地在發展變化。這種變化,是隨著時代的要求發展變化的。這是我們中華民族燦爛的文化,它具有很高的藝術價值和實用意義。 為了緬懷著名書法名家,為了推廣中國書法文化,在中國國際收藏家協會全程監製下,中國書法協會權威出品《中國書法名家九龍印章》。

Calligraphy is a unique traditional art in China, from the oracle bones of Yin and Shang, from the Jin Wen of Zhou to the seal character of Qin Dynasty, and from Han Li to the later block letters, lines and grass, which are constantly developing and changing. This kind of change, with the requirements of the times development and change. This is our Chinese nation's splendid culture, it has very high artistic value and practical significance. In order to remember the famous calligraphers and promote the Chinese calligraphy culture, under the supervision of the China International Collectors Association, the Chinese calligraphy Association produced the famous Chinese calligrapher Jiulong Seal.







【name of Collection】: "Chinese calligrapher Jiulong Seal"

【category of Collection】: miscellaneous

【age of Collection】: modern style

【collection profile】:




The collection includes 9 famous calligrapher Kowloon seal, calligrapher Mao Zedong, Ouyang inquiry, Su Shi, Wang Xizhi, Yan Zhenqing, Zhao Mengfu, Huang Tingjian, Liu Gongquan, Mi Fu. The State Post Office specially approved Mao Zedong, Huang Tingjian calligraphy stamp sheet 2 edition. In order to cooperate with the release of the famous Chinese calligrapher Jiulong Seal, the author made a gold picture of the famous Chinese calligrapher Jiulong calligraphy, which consumed as much as 10 grams of pure gold in 999. The high-grade leather case reproduces the appearance. The whole set of products adopt the seal form of Chinese Baoyu Hetian jade, Jinyu combination, Chinese famous calligraphy and Jiulong pattern and other Chinese traditional elements, casting the seal top of five thousand years history Peak works, this collection has a certain collection value.

