海外星座大師預測「巨蟹」星座運勢!Cancer Weekly Horoscope!

海外星座大師預測「巨蟹」星座運勢!Cancer Weekly Horoscope!

You simply don’t want anyone standing in your way these days. Don’t accept anything that requires you to take a step back or show yourself as unworthy in any way. You are the only person in the world that can truly change something for you, and fully understand what your inner sensations are trying to say.

You need empathy much more than an intellectually superior conversation with another person. Stay close, ready to listen, and read between the lines instead of constantly trying to pry new information from everyone involved.

This week’s affirmation: “I listen to my heart.”




小編英文一般!翻譯水平實在有限!多多包涵!哪位大神可以翻譯標準版!喜歡的朋友 歡迎轉發關注

