

[All] FNC: Hey all AD is good against Sion right?

[All] IG: Yeah, go for it

[All] FNC: k thx





All the analysts have notebooks and tablets but my boy yamato rocking a single sheet of notebook paper


Riots skin department scrapped all plans for FNC Irelia because of this game.


Nah, they already scrapped the plan when they release eyes on world for FNC.


Lets hope Craps will evolve into Claps before its too late.




Soaz mid


jackeylove is just a good cody sun

——jackeylove不過是進化版cody sun。

Uzi is just a good Doublelift


Rookie is just a good Caps


iG getting vengeance for 2015


Rookie is the real baby Faker.


His nickname in S4 was actually Faker Jr.



2018-10-02 08:35 +00:00

I guess this is what a main region vs wildcard should look like 



This tweet is like fine wine


I had a bad feeling when I saw Caps change from Cleanse to Ignite


rekkles ready to cry after game 1 lol


Enemy jungler is living in my lane what should I do?

-Plays Aggressive



Another 3-0 ffs


C9 died for this.


This is what C9 hoped to do vs Caps. The problem is that Jensen is no Rookie and Sven is not Ning.


What a stomp, looks like KT vs IG was the real finals lol


I think game MVP was IG Caps tbh

——我想本場比賽的MVP是IG caps。

Well, I think I can see why C9 prioritized lissandra so hard. They must have been practicing IG. C9 died to warn them of the rookie lissandra pick RIP.

——好吧,我想我明白為啥C9一直把冰女優先級放這麼高了。他們一定是和IG練過,然後用生命提醒fnc rookie的冰女有多強。

Alright Soaz here's your chance. Show us what you got. No pressure all you need is a reverse sweep.


Who knew Ning stepping the fuck up would make IG look so good. I hope sOAZ gets a game at least, he deserves it.


for real. mvp of the series so far


I heard FNC has a jungle called Broxah, did he play today?


TheShy: "Everyone hyped it up and then this guy is just garbage."


Game 1: Craps

Game 2: Bwipoo


Game 3: Brothah?


When I was a kid, my mom told me to finish everything on my plate because there were starving kids in China.

Good news: Those kids aren't starving any more. Bwipo fed all of them.



"if IG wins we expect Rookie or TheShy to be MVP."

[Laughs in Ning]



Bwipo getting the Dyrus treatment


Bwipo just wants to play League of Legends


Ning did more on Gragas in 15 minutes than Broxah has done on 2 games of Lee Sin.


TheShy: that's how you play Irelia Craps


Please anything but another 3-0 series


Koreans ruined worlds again by doing nothing.


IG are 2-0? Time for TheShy to bring out his Riven!!


So happy to see Dyrus finally reach Worlds Finals!!!


If IG 3-0 FNC, kt was most likely the 2nd best team in this tournament


Top laners are people too guys.


Ok guys see u next year,


Ning sandbagging the whole year, holy fuck ...


didnt know they allowed NSFW content on twitch


I fucking knew it was over once that Eyes On video got released.


Some curses can't be broken.


But LPL international curse has been lifted!


FNC didn't look like they belonged on the same Rift as iG.


China/LPL has won every single international tournament this year. A new king has risen.


Ning had his best games of his whole tournament in this series


6 years later at the Season 14 League of Legends World Championship, Doublelift, sOAZ, and Rekkles are casting in the current Final match-up between TSM and SKT. SKT is down 2 games to 0.

Doublelift: "I'm sure you guys have experienced being down by a big margin. Would you like to share your experience?"

Rekkles: "Actually, I remember one time we were playing against Invictus Gaming and it was 0-2 to iG. sOAZ asked: 'Guys, if you think we are good, let's prove it now, 0-2"

sOAZ: "Did we comeback?"

Rekkles: "Of course not. 0-3."






I didn't think that I can be let down after yesterdays Diablo Mobile announcement

Boy I was wrong



This series is now the quickest grand final series at 85:33, with the second quickest being season 3 SKT vs Royal at 89:26

——本次BO5是世界賽上最快的決賽,僅耗時85:33,第二快的是S3時的SKT vs 皇族,耗時89:26.

"I don't think Jackylove can stop me" - Rekkles 2018

——“我不認為jackeylove能阻止我”——rekkles 2018.

Another week of waiting for an hour of gameplay...


