數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1

1.1 本題目的表結構

Student(S#,Sname,Sage,Ssex) 學生表

Course(C#,Cname,T#) 課程表

SC(S#,C#,score) 成績表

Teacher(T#,Tname) 教師表

1.2 本題目的建表及測試數據


 1 CREATE TABLE Student 
2 (
3 S# INT,
4 Sname nvarchar(32),
5 Sage INT,
6 Ssex nvarchar(8)
7 )
10 (
11 C# INT,
12 Cname nvarchar(32),
13 T# INT
14 )
17 (
18 S# INT,
19 C# INT,
20 score INT
21 )
24 (
25 T# INT,
26 Tname nvarchar(16)
27 )



 1 insert into Student select 1,N'劉一',18,N'男' union all
2 select 2,N'錢二',19,N'女' union all
3 select 3,N'張三',17,N'男' union all
4 select 4,N'李四',18,N'女' union all
5 select 5,N'王五',17,N'男' union all
6 select 6,N'趙六',19,N'女'
8 insert into Teacher select 1,N'葉平' union all
9 select 2,N'賀高' union all
10 select 3,N'楊豔' union all
11 select 4,N'周磊'
13 insert into Course select 1,N'語文',1 union all
14 select 2,N'數學',2 union all
15 select 3,N'英語',3 union all
16 select 4,N'物理',4
18 insert into SC
19 select 1,1,56 union all
20 select 1,2,78 union all
21 select 1,3,67 union all
22 select 1,4,58 union all
23 select 2,1,79 union all
24 select 2,2,81 union all
25 select 2,3,92 union all
26 select 2,4,68 union all
27 select 3,1,91 union all
28 select 3,2,47 union all
29 select 3,3,88 union all
30 select 3,4,56 union all
31 select 4,2,88 union all
32 select 4,3,90 union all
33 select 4,4,93 union all
34 select 5,1,46 union all
35 select 5,3,78 union all
36 select 5,4,53 union all
37 select 6,1,35 union all
38 select 6,2,68 union all
39 select 6,4,71

1.3 開始實戰吧小宇宙


1 select a.S# from
2 (select S#,Score from SC where C#='001') a,
3 (select S#,Score from SC where C#='002') b
4 where a.S#=b.S# and a.Score>b.Score

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1

(2) 查詢平均成績大於60分的同學的學號和平均成績;

1 select S#,AVG(Score) as AvgScore 
2 from SC
3 group by S#
4 having AVG(Score)>60

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1


1 select s.S#,s.Sname,COUNT(sc.C#) as CourseCount,SUM(sc.Score) as ScoreSum
2 from Student s left outer join SC sc
3 on s.S# = sc.S#
4 group by s.S#,s.Sname
5 order by s.S#

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1


1 select COUNT(distinct Tname) as count
2 from Teacher
3 where Tname like '李%'

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1


1 select s.S#,s.Sname
2 from Student s
3 where s.S# not in
4 (
5 select distinct(sc.S#) from SC sc,Course c,Teacher t
6 where sc.C#=c.C# and c.T#=t.T# and t.Tname='葉平'
7 )

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1


 1 --解法一:求交集
2 select s.S#,s.Sname
3 from Student s,SC sc
4 where s.S#=sc.S# and sc.C#='001'
5 intersect
6 select s.S#,s.Sname
7 from Student s,SC sc
8 where s.S#=sc.S# and sc.C#='002'
9 --解法二:使用exists
10 select s.S#,s.Sname
11 from Student s,SC sc
12 where s.S#=sc.S# and sc.C#='001' and exists
13 (
14 select * from SC sc2 where sc.S#=sc2.S# and sc2.C#='002'
15 )

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1

PS:EXISTS用於檢查子查詢是否至少會返回一行數據,該子查詢實際上並不返回任何數據,而是返回值True或False。那麼,這裡我們來看一下in和exists的區別:①in 是把外表和內表作hash 連接,而exists是對外表作loop循環,每次loop循環再對內表進行查詢。②一直以來認為exists比in效率高的說法是不準確的。 -->如果查詢的兩個表大小相當,那麼用in和exists差別不大。 -->如果兩個表中一個較小,一個是大表,則子查詢表大的用exists,子查詢表小的用in。


 1 select s.S#,s.Sname 
2 from Student s
3 where s.S# in
4 (
5 select sc.S#
6 from SC sc,Course c,Teacher t
7 where c.C#=sc.C# and c.T#=t.T# and t.Tname='葉平'
8 group by sc.S#
9 having COUNT(sc.C#)=
10 (
11 select COUNT(c1.C#)
12 from Course c1,Teacher t1
13 where c1.T#=t1.T# and t1.Tname='葉平'
14 )
15 )


數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1


數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1


1 select s.S#,s.Sname 
2 from Student s,
3 (select sc1.S#,sc1.Score from SC sc1 where sc1.C#='002') a,
4 (select sc2.S#,sc2.Score from SC sc2 where sc2.C#='001') b
5 where s.S#=a.S# and s.S#=b.S# and a.S#=b.S# and a.Score

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1


1 select s.S#,s.Sname 
2 from Student s
3 where s.S# in
4 (
5 select distinct(sc.S#) from SC sc
6 where s.S#=sc.S# and sc.Score<60
7 )

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1


 1 select s.S#,s.Sname
2 from Student s
3 where s.S# not in
4 (
5 select sc.S# from SC sc
6 group by sc.S#
7 having COUNT(distinct sc.C#)=
8 (
9 select COUNT(distinct c.C#) from Course c
10 )
11 )

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1


1 select distinct(s.S#),s.Sname
2 from Student s,SC sc
3 where s.S#=sc.S# and sc.C# in
4 (
5 select distinct(sc2.C#) from SC sc2
6 where sc2.S#='001'
7 )
8 order by s.S# asc

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1


1 select distinct(s.S#),s.Sname 
2 from Student s,SC sc
3 where s.S#=sc.S# and s.S#!='001' and sc.C# in
4 (
5 select distinct(sc2.C#) from SC sc2
6 where sc2.S#='001'
7 )
8 order by s.S# asc

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1


 1 update SC set Score=
2 (
3 select AVG(score) from SC sc,Course c,Teacher t
4 where sc.C#=c.C# and c.T#=t.T# and t.Tname='葉平'
5 )
6 where C# in
7 (
8 select distinct(sc.C#) from SC sc,Course c,Teacher t
9 where sc.C#=c.C# and c.T#=t.T# and t.Tname='葉平'
10 )

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1


select s.S#,s.Sname 
from Student s
where s.S#!='002' and s.S# in
select distinct(S#) from SC
where C# in (select C# from SC where S#='002')
group by S#
having COUNT(distinct C#)=
select COUNT(distinct C#) from SC
where S#='002'

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1


delete from SC where C# in
select c.C# from Course c,Teacher t
where c.T#=t.T# and t.Tname='葉平'

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1


1 insert into SC
2 select s.S#,'002',(select AVG(score) from SC where C#='002')
3 from Student s
4 where s.S# not in (select distinct(S#) from SC where C#='002')

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1

(17)按平均成績從低到高顯示所有學生的“語文”、“數學”、“英語”三門的課程成績,按如下形式顯示: 學生ID,語文,數學,英語,有效課程數,有效平均分;

1 select t.S# as '學生ID',
2 (select Score from SC where S#=t.S# and C#='002') as '語文',
3 (select Score from SC where S#=t.S# and C#='003') as '數學',
4 (select Score from SC where S#=t.S# and C#='004') as '英語',
5 COUNT(t.C#) as '有效課程數',
6 AVG(t.Score) as '有效平均分'
7 from SC t
8 group by t.S#
9 order by AVG(t.Score)

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1


1 select sc.C# as '課程ID',MAX(Score) as '最高分',MIN(Score) as '最低分' 
2 from SC sc
3 group by sc.C#

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1


1 select sc.C#,c.Cname,ISNULL(AVG(sc.Score),0) as 'AvgScore',
2 100 * SUM(CASE WHEN ISNULL(sc.Score,0)>=60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/COUNT(*) as 'Percent(%)'
3 from SC sc,Course c
4 where sc.C#=c.C#
5 group by sc.C#,c.Cname
6 order by [Percent(%)] desc

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1

PS:此題難點在於如何求及格率的百分比,我們可以通過判斷每一行的Score是否大於等於60分的人數除以該課程的人數獲得及格率,然後統一乘以100便得到百分比。這裡使用了聚合函數SUM(PassedCounts)/COUNT(AllCounts)得到及格率(小於1的概率),最後乘以100獲得百分比。核心是這裡的PassedCounts(及格人數)的計算,這裡使用了CASE WHEN *** THEN *** ELSE *** END的語句,靈活地對Score進行了判斷並賦值(1和0)進行計算。

另外,這裡[Percent(%)]可以使用100 * SUM(CASE WHEN ISNULL(sc.Score,0)>=60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/COUNT(*)替代。

(20)查詢如下課程平均成績和及格率的百分數(備註:需要在1行內顯示): 企業管理(002),OO&UML (003),數據庫(004)

1 select 
2 SUM(CASE WHEN C#='002' THEN Score ELSE 0 END)/SUM(CASE C# WHEN '002' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as '企業管理平均分',
3 100 * SUM(CASE WHEN C#='002' and Score>=60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/SUM(CASE C# WHEN '002' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as '企業管理及格百分比',
4 SUM(CASE WHEN C#='003' THEN Score ELSE 0 END)/SUM(CASE C# WHEN '003' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as 'OO&UML平均分',
5 100 * SUM(CASE WHEN C#='003' and Score>=60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/SUM(CASE C# WHEN '003' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as 'OO&UML及格百分比',
6 SUM(CASE WHEN C#='004' THEN Score ELSE 0 END)/SUM(CASE C# WHEN '004' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as '數據庫平均分',
7 100 * SUM(CASE WHEN C#='004' and Score>=60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/SUM(CASE C# WHEN '004' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as '數據庫及格百分比'
8 from SC

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1

PS:這裡出現了兩種格式的CASE WHEN語句,但其實這兩種方式,可以實現相同的功能。簡單case函數(例如上面的:CASE C# WHEN '002' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)的寫法相對比較簡潔,但是和case搜索函數(例如上面的:CASE WHEN C#='002' THEN Score ELSE 0 END)相比,功能方面會有些限制,比如寫判定式。


1 select c.C#,MAX(c.Cname) as 'Cname',MAX(t.T#) as 'T#',MAX(t.Tname) as 'Tname',
2 AVG(sc.Score) as 'AvgScroe'
3 from SC sc,Course c,Teacher t
4 where sc.C#=c.C# and c.T#=t.T#
5 group by c.C#
6 order by AvgScroe desc

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1

PS:可能有園友會對上題中的很多個MAX(列名)有疑惑,這裡我們再來看下Group By語句。這裡需要注意的一點就是,在select指定的字段要麼就要包含在Group By語句的後面,作為分組的依據;要麼就要被包含在聚合函數中。因此,上題中我們需要查詢課程名,教師名等信息,但又不是分組的依據(分組依據應該是課程號),因此就用MAX()這個聚合函數包裹起來。

(22)查詢如下課程成績第 3 名到第 6 名的學生成績單:企業管理(001),馬克思(002),UML (003),數據庫(004)



(23)統計列印各科成績,各分數段人數:課程ID,課程名稱,[100-85],[85-70],[70-60],[ <60]

1 select sc.C#,MAX(c.Cname) as 'CourseName',
2 SUM(CASE WHEN sc.Score BETWEEN 85 and 100 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as '[85-100]',
3 SUM(CASE WHEN sc.Score BETWEEN 70 and 85 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as '[70-85]',
4 SUM(CASE WHEN sc.Score BETWEEN 60 and 70 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as '[60-70]',
5 SUM(CASE WHEN sc.Score BETWEEN 0 and 60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as '[<60]'
6 from SC sc,Course c
7 where sc.C#=c.C#

8 group by sc.C#

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1


 1 select s.S#,s.Sname,T2.AvgScore,
2 (select COUNT(AvgScore) from
3 (select S#,AVG(Score) as 'AvgScore' from SC group by S#) as T1
4 where T2.AvgScore 5 from
6 (select S#,AVG(Score) as 'AvgScore' from SC
7 group by S#) as T2,

8 Student s
9 where s.S#=T2.S#
10 order by AvgScore desc

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1

PS:本題目中的名次計算是一個難點,換個思路,我們如何計算當前學生的平均成績的排名可以通過計算有多少個成績小於當前學生的成績再加上1即可得到,如上題目中的:(select COUNT(AvgScore) from (select S#,AVG(Score) as 'AvgScore' from SC group by S#) as T1 where T2.AvgScore


1 select sc.C#,c.Cname,sc.S#,s.Sname,sc.Score 
2 from Student s,SC sc,Course c
3 where sc.C#=c.C# and sc.S#=s.S# and sc.Score in
4 (
5 select top 3 Score from SC sc2
6 where sc.C#=sc2.C#
7 Order by Score desc
8 )
9 order by sc.C#,sc.Score desc

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1


1 select sc.C#,MAX(c.Cname) as 'CName',COUNT(distinct sc.S#) as 'StudentCount'
2 from SC sc,Course c
3 where sc.C#=c.C#
4 group by sc.C#

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1


1 select s.S#,s.Sname 
2 from Student s
3 where s.S# in
4 (
5 select sc.S# from SC sc
6 group by sc.S#
7 having COUNT(distinct sc.C#)=1
8 )

這裡SC表中沒有一個只選了一門課程的學生,可以將語句改為:having COUNT(distinct sc.C#)=2,便可得到以下結果:

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1


1 select COUNT(S#) as 'BoysCount' from Student s where s.Ssex='男'
2 select COUNT(S#) as 'GirlsCount' from Student s where s.Ssex='女'

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1


1 select s.S#,s.Sname 
2 from Student s
3 where s.Sname like '張%'

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1


1 select s.Sname,COUNT(Sname) as 'SameCount'
2 from Student s
3 group by s.Sname
4 having COUNT(Sname)>1


數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1

(31)查詢1981年出生的學生名單(注:Student表中Sage列的類型是datetime) ;


1 select Sname,CONVERT(char (11),DATEPART(year,Sage)) as Age 
2 from Student
3 where CONVERT(char(11),DATEPART(year,Sage))='1981';


1 select sc.C#,AVG(sc.Score) as 'AvgScore' 
2 from SC sc
3 group by sc.C#
4 order by AvgScore asc,C# desc

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1


1 select sc.S#,s.Sname,AVG(sc.Score) as 'AvgScore' 
2 from Student s,SC sc
3 where s.S#=sc.S#
4 group by sc.S#,s.Sname
5 having AVG(sc.Score)>85

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1


1 select s.Sname,sc.Score from Student s,SC sc,Course c
2 where s.S#=sc.S# and sc.C#=c.C# and c.Cname='數學' and sc.Score<60

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1


1 select s.S#,s.Sname,c.C#,c.Cname from Student s,SC sc,Course c
2 where s.S#=sc.S# and c.C#=sc.C#
3 order by c.C#,s.S#

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1


1 select distinct s.S#,s.Sname,c.Cname,sc.Score 
2 from Student s,SC sc,Course c
3 where s.S#=sc.S# and sc.C#=c.C# and sc.Score>=70

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1


1 select distinct sc.C#,c.Cname from SC sc,Course c
2 where sc.C#=c.C# and sc.Score<60
3 order by sc.C# desc

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1


1 select sc.S#,s.Sname from Student s,SC sc
2 where s.S#=sc.S# and sc.C#='003' and sc.Score>=80

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1


1 select COUNT(distinct S#) as 'StuCount' from SC


1 select s.S#,s.Sname,sc.Score 
2 from Student s,SC sc,Course c,Teacher t
3 where s.S#=sc.S# and sc.C#=c.C# and c.T#=t.T# and t.Tname='楊豔'
4 and sc.Score =
5 (
6 select MAX(sc2.Score) from SC sc2
7 where sc.C#=sc2.C#
8 )

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1


1 select sc.C#,c.Cname,COUNT(distinct S#) as 'StuCount' from SC sc,Course c
2 where sc.C#=c.C#
3 group by sc.C#,c.Cname

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1


1 select distinct sc1.S#,sc1.C#,sc1.Score from SC sc1,SC sc2
2 where sc1.C#!=sc2.C# and sc1.Score=sc2.Score
3 order by sc1.Score asc

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1


1 select sc.C#,c.Cname,sc.S#,s.Sname,sc.Score from Student s,SC sc,Course c
2 where s.S#=sc.S# and sc.C#=c.C# and sc.Score in
3 (
4 select top 2 sc2.Score from SC sc2
5 where sc2.C#=sc.C#
6 order by sc2.Score desc
7 )
8 order by sc.C#

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1


1 select sc.C#,COUNT(distinct S#) as 'StuCount' from SC sc
2 group by sc.C#
3 having COUNT(distinct S#)>=10
4 order by StuCount desc,sc.C# asc



1 select distinct sc.S# from SC sc
2 group by sc.S#
3 having COUNT(sc.C#)>=2



1 select sc.C#,c.Cname from SC sc,Course c
2 where sc.C#=c.C#
3 group by sc.C#,c.Cname
4 having COUNT(sc.S#)=(select COUNT(distinct s.S#) from Student s)


數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1


1 select s.Sname from Student s where s.S# not in 
2 (
3 select sc.S# from SC sc,Course c,Teacher t
4 where sc.C#=c.C# and c.T#=t.T# and t.Tname='楊豔'
5 )

數據庫基礎,你必知必會的SQL語句練習40題-Part 1


1 select sc.S#,AVG(ISNULL(sc.Score,0)) as 'AvgScore' from SC sc
2 where sc.S# in
3 (
4 select sc2.S# from SC sc2
5 where sc2.Score<60
6 group by sc2.S#
7 having COUNT(sc2.C#)>2
8 )
9 group by sc.S#



1 select sc.S# from SC sc
2 where sc.C#='004' and sc.Score<60
3 order by sc.Score desc



delete from SC where S#='002' and C#='001'


本篇是從Cat Qi的原文《SQL面試題(學生表-教師表-課程表-選課表)》中摘抄的,前半部分難度較大,後半部分難度減小,經過我一題一題的練習,也還是得到了很大的鍛鍊。下一篇Part 2,將針對另外兩個類型的題目,這一類題目也是非常常見的題目,大概會有15個題目左右。

