英文有声绘本《I want to do it by myself》我要自己做

英文有声绘本《I want to do it by myself》我要自己做

小公主系列是由英国著名插画家和作家 Tony Ross 著作。他的画作以调皮活泼著称,具有强烈的情感张力。有多部作品被改编成动画。曾三度荣获"最佳绘者银画笔刷奖"。其作品家喻户晓,畅销世界各地...


英文有声绘本《I want to do it by myself》我要自己做

"Where are you going, Little Princess?" asked the King.


"I'm going camping." said the Little Princess.


英文有声绘本《I want to do it by myself》我要自己做

"Let me carry your bags,then." said the Queen.


"No!" said the Little Princess.


"I want to do it by myself!"


英文有声绘本《I want to do it by myself》我要自己做

"You can go on my horse!" suggested the General.


"No!" said the Little Princess,"I want to do it by myself!"


英文有声绘本《I want to do it by myself》我要自己做

"My boats will help to take your bags," said the Admiral.


"No!" said the Little Princess,"I want to do it by myself!"


英文有声绘本《I want to do it by myself》我要自己做

And so,the Little Princess set off, all by herself and soon found a beautiful place to camp.


英文有声绘本《I want to do it by myself》我要自己做

But when she looked in her bag,she found that she had forgotten to bring her tent.


英文有声绘本《I want to do it by myself》我要自己做

So when the Little Princess went off to find something to use as a tent,the Prime Minister secretly set up his for her.


英文有声绘本《I want to do it by myself》我要自己做

"Oh bothe!" said the Little Princess when she returned.


"I must have brought a tent after all.I am so forgetful.I think I will make supper."


英文有声绘本《I want to do it by myself》我要自己做

But when she looked in her bags,she found that she had forgotten a tin opener.


She had forgotten a tin as well,so she went to look for something to eat.


英文有声绘本《I want to do it by myself》我要自己做

While she was away,the Cook made a wonderful supper ready for her return.


Although she could not remember making it,it was very tasty.


英文有声绘本《I want to do it by myself》我要自己做

"Time for bed!" the Little Princess thought.


But she had forgotten to bring a blanket and a pillow.


While she was away,looking for something to sleep on ...


英文有声绘本《I want to do it by myself》我要自己做

..the Maid made up a lovey camp bed....女仆做了一张可爱的行军床。

"Oh BODDLE!" said the Little Princess.


"I must have forgotten I had that."


英文有声绘本《I want to do it by myself》我要自己做

So the Little Princess tumbled into bed,and fell into a happy sleep.


She would have cuddled Gilbert,if she had remembered to bring him.


英文有声绘本《I want to do it by myself》我要自己做

In the morning,she looked in her bag for her towel and toothbrush,but she had forgotten to bring them.


英文有声绘本《I want to do it by myself》我要自己做

Then she spotted them,under a bush.


"I must have put them there in my sleep!" she said.


英文有声绘本《I want to do it by myself》我要自己做

After her wash,she sat down,to think of something to do.


英文有声绘本《I want to do it by myself》我要自己做

As there was NOTHING to do,the Little Princess packed her bags again and set off home.


英文有声绘本《I want to do it by myself》我要自己做

"Funny," she thought,"these bags seem heavier than they were yesterday.My stuff must have grown."


英文有声绘本《I want to do it by myself》我要自己做

On the way back,she met the Gardener.


"Shall I help you with those heavy bags?" he said.


英文有声绘本《I want to do it by myself》我要自己做

"NO,thanks!" said the Little Princess.


"I want to do it by myself!"


英文有声绘本《I want to do it by myself》我要自己做

When she got home,everyone met her at the gate.


"How was your camping holiday?" they asked.


英文有声绘本《I want to do it by myself》我要自己做

"It was WONDERFUL!" said the Little Princess.


"But I am tired now,because ...


英文有声绘本《I want to do it by myself》我要自己做



